The Bali Governor has issued a new decree for a partial lockdown of Bali after cases of COVID-19 continue to surge on the island. Decree number 487 for the strengthening of controls and prevention of Covid-19 in Bali, was issued by the governor as a partial “step on the brakes” with the reopening of Bali. …
The Bali Vice Governor has said that the spike in COVID-19 cases in Bali is coming from the gatherings of young people and religious ceremonies. Bali Vice Governor, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana a.k.a Cok Ace made the statement during a High Level Meeting (HLM) in Denpasar on Thursday Sept 10th 2020. He stated that the …
Two foreigners who were arrested on drug charges in Bali have been moved from jail to the hospital after experiencing depression. Aaron Wayne Coyle, 44, from Perth and 32-year-old British man, Collum Park were arrested on alleged drug possession and trafficking. They were being held at Bali’s notorious Kerobokan prison when their behavior became uncontrollable. …
A fire has completely destroyed a house in Subaya Village, Kintamani on Saturday afternoon Sept 12th 2020. A 70-year-old I Wayan Sayang reported the fire to police on Sunday morning after the house had burned to the ground. Kintamani Bali “On Saturday afternoon, me and my 67-year-old wife were working on the field, she heard …
Construction will start in 2021 on a new Bali toll Road from Gillimanuk to Denpasar, Governor Koster has announced. The central Government is planning to build another toll road in Bali through Ministry Of Public Works. It’s in line with President Joko Widodo’s vision for Indonesia development by building quality transportation infrastructure. The toll road …
The Bali Governor has said that he wants to close all tourist attractions again after a surge of COVID-19 cases on the island. “We’ve been observing over the last few weeks that the local transmission is spiking and the mortality rate from Covid-19 is increasing. I’m considering closing all tourist attractions like I did previously,” …
An 18-year-old man is missing after his boat capsized when it collided with another vessel. Two fishermen capsized their boat after getting in collision with a fishing boat on Tuesday morning Sept 15th 2020. The accident happened in Perancak Coastal Waters, Jembrana District. “A 25-year-old man, named I Made Lugra Mahardika survived the crash, but …
More reports are surfacing over Bali’s struggling health care system as COVID-19 cases surge across the island. South Denpasar Public Health Service IV on Jalan Pulau Moyo, Pedungan, Denpasar has shut down their Inpatient and Outpatient services after 6 medical workers tested positive for COVID-19 and another 40 have been put into isolation. Despite the …
Bali has locked down three large outdoor public areas after a spike in COVID-19 cases across the island. Durning a Press Conference on Sunday, Sept 13th 2020, Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force Spokesman, I Dewa Gede Rai said that order to minimize the spread of Covid-19 in Denpasar, the Mayor has shut down several public …
Tripadvisor has announced that Bali has won the Top Traveler’s Choice Destination In Asia and is ranked number 4 in the world. Tripadvisor made the announcement after comparing the reviews from the 25 most rated tourists destination in 2019. Tripadvisor Brand Ambassador Vice President, Neela Pal said that the list was compiled to help travelers …
13 million tourism workers are unemployed in Indonesia due to the pandemic according to Chief of Presidential Staff, Moeldoko. The number is officially the largest in history surpassing and crisis Indonesia has faced in the past. Hotels, villas, cafes, restaurant are suffering across the country and have shut down since they don’t have enough clients …
7000 tourists and expats have chosed to remain in Bali during the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of tourists and expats are contributing a large amount of money to the island’s battered tourism sector as they support their favorite restaurants, bars, spas and drivers. Some have taken it a step further and started charities to help …