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Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster, has stated that the in-person learning that started on Monday (3/1) must continue despite the Omicron variant transmission in Indonesia. “All our activities such as in-person learning at schools and the upcoming international events scheduled in Bali won’t be affected by this Omicron variant as long as all the prevention …

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Bali Governor I Wayan Koster plans to shut down all plastic distributors on the island to solve waste management issues. As part of the effort to solve the plastic waste management problem on the island, Koster plans to act more decisively by closing down businesses distributing single-use plastic bags in Bali. “I will find all …

Read More about Bali Governor To Shut Down Plastic Distributors In 2022

The Bali Police Department has deployed 1,497 personnel to secure the Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations in Bali. The Head of the Bali Police Department, Irjen Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra, confirmed that following the central government’s instruction, Jayan Danu would ensure proper deployment of his personnel during the year-end holidays. A large number …

Read More about Over 1,000 Personnel Deployed To Secure Bali During The Holiday Season

A 54-year-old man named I Putu Sada will potentially face five years of imprisonment for using a cellphone that he had found on the street. The Head of the Marga Police Department, AKP I Gede Budiarta, confirmed that the suspect was arrested for intentionally using a cellphone he found on the street without notifying the …

Read More about Man Potentially Faces 5 Years Imprisonment For Using A Cellphone He Found On Bali Street

Authorities from the Selemadeg police department invited a clown to entertain elementary school children at vaccination sites. The Head of the Selemadeg Police Department, AKP Ni Komang Sri Subakti, confirmed that a clown, who was previously captured by authorities while begging in Tabanan, was invited to entertain the children in Megati 1 Elementary School and …

Read More about Bali Police Invite Begging Clown To Entertain Children At Vaccination Sites

An official from the Nusa Penida sub-district has announced that all Nusa Penida residents will be required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before receiving public services from the government. The Head of the Nusa Penida Sub-district, I Komang Widyasa Putra, confirmed that he would implement a policy requiring all residents to be fully vaccinated …

Read More about Nusa Penida Bali Residents Must Be Fully Vaccinated To Receive Public Services

The Buleleng Covid-19 Handling Task Force has deployed police officers to pick up elementary school children and take them to vaccination sites in a bid to accelerate the Covid-19 vaccine distribution. The Head of the Buleleng Police Department, AKBP Andrian Pramudianto, confirmed that this is part of the effort to accelerate the Covid-19 distribution for …

Read More about Bali Police Deployed To Take Elementary School Children To Vaccination Sites

A Bali virologist has predicted that the Omicron Covid-19 variant has been transmitted into the island. The central government recently confirmed that three Indonesian citizens in Jakarta had contracted the Omicron variant. Subsequently, a virologist from Udayana University, Prof. IGN Kade Mahardika, stated that the Omicron variant has likely entered Bali through the influx of …

Read More about Bali Virologist Predicts That The Omicron Variant Has Entered Bali

Four motorbike riders with loud exhausts have been detained by authority from the Payangan police department. The Head of the Payangan Police Department, AKP I Putu Agus Ady Wijaya, confirmed that an officer detained a total of 4 motorbike riders. They violated traffic regulations by installing loud exhausts on their vehicles. An operation called Cipta …

Read More about Four Motorbikes With Loud Exhaust Confiscated By Bali Police

An official from the Intelligence Service Office (BIN) has urged the Tabanan regional government to accelerate the Covid-19 vaccine distribution before the vaccines expire. The Head of the Bali BIN, Brigjen Pol Hadi Purnomo, stated that the Tabanan regional government was instructed to accelerate its Covid-19 vaccination program. This is because both the Sinovac and …

Read More about Intelligence Service Officer Urges Bali To Boost Vaccine Distribution Before They Expire

A video of a man confronting the staff of a hotel located in Kuta after being sanctioned with USD $350 (IDR 5 million) has gone viral. A guest of a five-star hotel in Bali recently uploaded a video expressing his disappointment and frustration. He received a sanction that made him pay over USD $350 (IDR …

Read More about Bali Hotel Guest Fined For Staining Bedsheets With Tattoo Ink

Authorities from the Health Agency will start distributing Covid-19 vaccines to elementary school children by the 14th of December 2021. The Head of Bali Health Agency, Dr. Ketut Suarjaya, confirmed that the Bali provincial government would soon start distributing Covid-19 vaccines to elementary school children. “We will start vaccinating children 6 to 11 years old …

Read More about Bali Elementary School Children Will Receive Covid-19 Vaccinations This December