Bali officials have confirmed that one of the villages in South Denpasar called Serangan Island has recorded zero Covid-19 transmissions in the last three months. The Head of the South Denpasar Sub-District, I Wayan Budha confirmed that Serangan Island is the only village that has recorded zero Covid-19 transmissions among other villages in South Denpasar. …
A 23-year-old man named Noven Ashari from West Sumatra has been arrested for attempting to sexually assault a jogger on Double Six Beach in Seminyak. The Head of the Kuta Criminal Investigation Bureau, Iptu Made Putra Yudistira confirmed that officers from Kuta Police Department began their investigation after receiving a report from a woman (aged …
Bali Officials have confirmed that the majority of Covid-19 patients in Jembrana haven’t received the Covid-19 vaccine prior to infection. The Spokesman of the Jembrana Covid-19 Task Force, I Gusti Agung Putu Arisantha said that residents who haven’t received the Covid-19 vaccine have a higher risk of developing heavier symptoms once they’re infected with Covid-19. …
A 24-year-old man named Kadek Budiarta has been sentenced with 10 years of imprisonment for attempting to distribute 93 packages of narcotics in Bali. During a virtual trial on Thursday (24/6), the Judges from the Denpasar court house that was led by Gede Putra Astawa have made their decision to punish the suspect with a …
An Italian National was unable to pay a fine after getting caught by the authorities for not wearing a mask while driving a motorbike in Denpasar. During an operation that was conducted by Bali authorities in the Sidakarya area, Denpasar on Wednesday (23/6), an Italian national was sanctioned for not wearing a face mask during …
Bali Tourism Association has expressed their disappointment as the central government’s plan to reopen the border for international visitors is predicted to fail. The Head of the Karangasem Hotel and Restaurants Association, I Wayan Kariasa said that the majority of accommodation businesses in Karangasem were disappointed with the plan from the central government to postpone …
A 19-year-old man has bitten a police officer’s hand before getting arrested for stealing in several different areas in Bali. The Head of the Sukawati Criminal Investigation Bureau, Iptu AA Alit Sudarma confirmed that prior to the arrest, the suspect attempted to resist by biting an officer’s hand. He also left his child at the …
A 45-year-old man from Bandung, West Java has been arrested by police after being mobbed for stealing two bottles of shampoo from a minimarket in Jimbaran. The Head of the Kuta Police Department, Kompol I Nyoman Gatra confirmed that the suspect was arrested for stealing from a minimarket that is located on Jalan Uluwatu, Kedonganan …
A truck driver named Ivan Hauser Tahun from So’e, East Nusa Tenggara has been arrested after running over a traffic police officer in Bali. The Head of the Denpasar Police Department, Kombes Pol Jansen Avitus Panjaitan confirmed that the suspect has been arrested for running over a police officer named Aiptu Ketut Suardana while he …
The Bali Senator has urged the central government to keep the plan to reopen the border for international visitors and the Work From Bali (WFB) program on track. The Head of Commission III of Bali Senator, AA Ngurah Adhi Ardhana said that despite the surging cases of new Covid-19 variants in several areas in Java …
The Indonesian Tourism Minister, Sandiaga Uno has proposed the Covid-19 vaccine to be an entry requirement for both domestic and international visitors in the future. During a virtual weekly press briefing on Tuesday (22/6), Sandiaga proposed the Bali Governor and the Health Minister to prepare vaccination based tourism for Bali as one of the efforts …
A 32-year-old woman has been saved after attempting to commit suicide on Padanggalak Beach on Tuesday morning (22/6). The Head of the Denpasar Public Relation Officer, Iptu I Ketut Suardana confirmed that the incident occured on Tuesday morning around 11:20am, causing a woman to lose consciousness during her attempt to commit suicide on Padanggalak Beach. …