The South Denpasar Police Department has launched an operation to ensure the implementation of prevention protocols in Sanur. The Head of the South Denpasar Police Department, Kompol I Gede Sudyatmaja, confirmed that an operation was conducted to inspect the implementation of prevention protocols in Sanur. As the number of domestic and international visitors began to …
Bali Governor I Wayan Koster plans to close all landfills on the island before the G-20 event this year. During a meeting with Bali Senators on Thursday (31/3), Koster confirmed that he plans to close all landfills across the island, including the biggest one in Suwung, Denpasar in 2022. “I will close down all landfills …
The Denpasar City Government plans to resume the weekly Car-Free Day event that they stopped since the Covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020. An official of the Denpasar Transportation Agency, Made Sukerata, confirmed that the Denpasar city government plans to resume the weekly Car-Free event in two different locations: Lumintang Park and Renon Park in Denpasar. …
A 23-year-old man named I Putu Purnama has been arrested after stealing dozens of motorbikes in different areas in Bali. The Head of the Denpasar Police Department, AKBP Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, confirmed that the suspect, who had been previously jailed for an assault, was again arrested after stealing 21 motorbikes in Bali. “He operated from …
An official from the South Denpasar Police Department said police are conducted crowd-dispersing operations to combat illegal street racing and public disturbances. The Head of the South Denpasar Police Department, Kompol I Gede Sudyatmaja, confirmed that an inspection program called Yustisi Operation was conducted on Saturday evening (19/3) in anticipation of public disturbances and criminal …
Thousands of Bali residents received cooking oil as a reward for joining the Covid-19 vaccine booster program in Denpasar. The Head of the West Bali Police Department, Kompol I Made Hendra Agustina, confirmed that on Saturday morning (12/3), a vaccine booster program was conducted by the West Denpasar Police Department at the West Borneo Association …
128 packages of meth weighing 18 kgs have been seized by Bali police from two drug traffickers in Bali. The Head of the Denpasar Police Department, AKBP Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, confirmed that a 25-year-old man named Muhamad Ansar and a 29-year-old man named Aulia Rahman were arrested along with a large amount of illegal drugs …
A 29-year-old man with the initials WN was detained and transported to a mental hospital for causing a disturbance in his neighborhood in Denpasar. A medical official of West Denpasar II, Nopi, confirmed that the man was detained after nearby residents reported his bizarre behavior. He had been going through a rough time, as he …
A 29-year-old man named Anak Agung Gede Agung has been arrested for attempting to assault a police officer in Denpasar. The Head of the South Denpasar Criminal Investigation Bureau, AKP Hadimastika Karsito Putra, confirmed that they detained the suspect after he attempted to assault a police officer named Aipda I Dewa Gede Agus Surya Usadha …
A 30-year-old man named Chidi Ezonu from Africa has been arrested for crashing his car into a group of motorbikes ridden by high school students. The Head of the Public Relations Office of the Denpasar Police Department, Iptu I Ketut Sukadi, confirmed that the suspect was arrested for the incident that occurred in Jalan Kunti, …
Eighteen students have been detained for participating in an illegal motorbike convoy in Denpasar on Sunday (13/2). The Head of the Denpasar Police Department, AKBP Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, confirmed that dozens of high school students and their motorbikes were detained by police. They conducted an illegal motorbike convoy around the Denpasar area on Sunday afternoon …
Officials from the Denpasar city government have started to inspect the implementation of prevention protocols in accommodation businesses in the area. The authorities began their inspection in a hotel in Kesiman Kertalangu Denpasar on Thursday (10/2). They checked the implementation of all Covid prevention protocols, such as PeduliLindungi app utilization, hand sanitizer availability, hand washing …