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Russian Airlines Set To Launch New Bali Flights As ‘New Moscow’ Debate Continues

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On the 8th May, news that Canggu had been listed on GoogleMaps as ‘New Mockba’ or ‘New Moscow’ sparked a fierce backlash online.

The conversation became so intense that top Bali officials and Indonesian government ministers have had to speak out on the situation. 

Russian Commerical Airplanes Lined Up at Airport.jpg

As the debate continues, more news has been reported that two Russian airlines are planning to launch direct flights to the Island of the Gods.

While the names of these airlines remain under wraps, it is not surprising to learn that airlines are bidding to be put on the schedule at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International.

Top tourism officials in Bali have been open about their desire for more direct flights to be made available to help boost tourism and the local economy.

With the high season fast approaching, it is normal for more flight routes to be announced at this time of year, so let’s watch this space. 

Speaking to reporters, the Director of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects at the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, Nikita Kondratjev, explained, “There are certain conditions that must be met so that we can launch direct flights, including to Bali.” Kondratjev revealed that Russian travel agents are standing by to fill flights to Indonesia. 

With more direct flights from Russia in the pipeline, the debate about Canggu being tagged on GoogleMaps as ‘New Moscow’ continues, with some media outlets even referring to Canggu as an annexation of Russia. 

Bali officials have confirmed that they are investigating the issue and are working on the assumption that this is some kind of prank.

Officials have also been very quick to confirm and reiterate that the listing on GoogleMaps is simply an addition to the map, and there have been, nor will there be, any changes to official maps, place names, or governance any time soon. 

Earlier this week, the Head of the Bali Tourism Office, Tjok Bagus Pemayun, told reporters, “If in Bali there is New Moscow [used] as a term, it doesn’t matter as long as the residents in that place still obey all the rules and regulations that apply in Indonesia, and don’t cause problems with the local communities around them.”

Speaking to reporters on Thursday afternoon, Indonesia’s Minister for Tourism and Creative Economies, Santiago Uno, echoed Pemayun’s feelings on the issue.

Minister Uno told the media, “They invest and carry out activities here; we want to ensure that everything has a positive economic impact and safeguards national interests.”

He noted that there are other areas of Indonesia where a similar situation has unfolded with little backlash. He cited Korea Town, Little India and Chinatown. 

Ariel View Of Canggu Bali

In a statement made to the media, the Head of Public Relations of the Bali Regional Police, Police Commissioner Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, said, “There has been no change in what applies in Indonesia. The map name is still Canggu. “We will coordinate to find out who made it, or whether it was just a fad.”

Nevertheless, he confirmed that an investigation has been launched, noting, “If there is a violation of the law, we will take action against anyone. “But for now, we think it’s still a fad.”


However, in the grand scheme of things, Bali’s Police Department has a pretty hefty workload right now.

Not only are Bali Police, the Indonesian Army, and special security forces securing Bali for the World Water Forum, where over 14,000 additional security officers have been deployed, but there are a series of huge drug-related investigations underway, too. 


Following the arrest of two Ukrainian brothers, a Russian man and an Indonesian man, in connection with a huge marijuana and methadone lab in Canggu, police are still working to track down two more foreigners in connection with the drug ring believed to be part of the Fredy Pratama network. 

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Monday 3rd of June 2024

Thais welcomed Russian to Phuket. What they got? Fraud killing local economy. Pls don't make the same mistake at Bali which wants wealthy tourists to visit. Pls don't let Russians into Bali if you love the island. LINK


Friday 24th of May 2024

So shameful comment section out there! People who have 0 knowledge of world politics pretend to be experts. Education, especially in history and economics, may help to build a critical-thinking mindset. Just stop hating people by their nationality. What a disgusting thing! BTW in most of the developed countries it is a crime. Period. BTW without Russian people you would never use a lot of technologies. As they were created by Russians. The first flight to space was also made by Russian man. And you should know how many space technologies are used daily. They created so many good things! Their music, literature, art is genius. If you don’t know who is Dostoevsky, I can shock you: Google co-founder is also Russian. Do you use it? Not mention other great inventions of their country. They are the best in technologies, physics, math, biology, engineering etc. and welcomed everywhere around the world. Just know that. US, UK, EU, China, Japan, UAE and so on. Everyone hiring them for highly-qualified jobs, especially now. And if you don’t want them - it’s your bad. Also please if you so hateful to these people just don’t use the whole YouTube, Google, Apple, Microsoft etc. ecosystems as the whole Silicon Valley is almost 90% Russian, Chinese and Indian people. As they are smart. Education is a key, guys. Better go educate yourself, not spread a hate cooked with a “good intentions”. And just read a quick historical review of your own country as I’m sure all of you have something happened sometime. Stop act like superior to others. Good luck!


Wednesday 22nd of May 2024

Regardless of what names idiots decide to call towns in Bali,the reality is when you allow an unrestricted group of people,Russians and other nationalities,you gave allowed them to take over your culture and install their own. And Bali will live to regret it,another extension of Russias plans for domination of the southern hemisphere. If money has become more important than your culture,you will live to regret your inactions. Do you really believe thst direct flights from Russia will only carry "passengers"


Thursday 23rd of May 2024

@Dominic, these fool Balinese politicians think so, either that, or they are already taking Russian bribes.

Joe Citizen

Wednesday 22nd of May 2024

Russians shiuld have to get visas and background check.

Mr Bear Snr

Wednesday 22nd of May 2024

The Bribes will come thick and fast. The recipients will use them to build their new homes in the new Capital in Kalimantan to escape the drug and crime fuelled aftermath. Foreign airlines may also be somewhat remiss to park next to Russian aircraft and cancel flights into Bali.