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A 32-year-old man named I Gede Mindra has been arrested by police after stealing jewelry from his neighbor in Klungkung and spending the cash on gambling. The Head of the Klungkung Police Department, AKBP I Made Dhanuardana confirmed that Mindra was arrested along with his partner, I Wayan Agus Saputra (aged 26) from Nusa Penida, …

Read More about Re-offender Arrested After Stealing Jewelry In Bali

Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster has instructed all the village officials across the island to stop providing public services to those who refuse the Covid-19 vaccine. The instruction that was announced on Sunday (11/7), stated that officials in every village in Bali are required to mark their residents who refuse to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. …

Read More about Bali Governor Instructed All Village Officials To Stop Providing Public Services To People Who Refuse The Covid-19 Vaccine

A restaurant called Orbit Bali Eat and Dance has been closed down by local authorities for hosting a party during the emergency partial lockdown in Bali. The Head of the Badung Police Department, AKBP Roby Septiadi confirmed that a  restaurant that is located on Jalan Petitenget Number 7A, North Kuta was sanctioned for hosting a …

Read More about Restaurant Fined For Hosting A Party During The Emergency Partial Lockdown In Bali

A German suspect has been arrested by police for alleged possession of illegal substances in his villa. The Head of the Badung Police Department, AKP Roby Septiadi confirmed that the suspect was arrested along with 109 packages of cocaine and a package of hashish. “The drugs that were possessed by the suspect are considered one …

Read More about German National Arrested For Possession Of Narcotics In Bali

Two leaders of a Bali civil organization have been arrested for extorting many local vendors in a traditional market in Denpasar. The Head of the Denpasar Criminal Investigation Bureau, Kompol Mikael Hutabarat confirmed that the officers have seized weapons such as an airsoft handgun and a sword from the suspects who have the initials M …

Read More about Bali Police Seized Weapons When Arresting Leaders Of A Civil Organization For Extorting Local Vendors

A 56-year-old Russian national named Evgenii Bagriantsev has been arrested for extorting an expat from Uzbekistan in Bali. The Director of the Bali Criminal Investigation Bureau, Kombes Pol Djuhandani Rahardjo Putro confirmed that the suspect was arrested after extorting a businessman named Nikolay Romanov from Uzbekistan in Bali. During the attempt, the suspect tried to …

Read More about Russian National Arrested After Extorting Thousands Of Dollars From An Expat In Bali

After previously refusing to implement the emergency partial lockdown that was instructed by the President, Bali provincial government finally agreed to impose the policy on the island. Bali Regional Secretary, Dewa Made Indra who previously stated that Bali is currently not in an emergency situation from Covid-19 transmissions has revised his statement, and finally agreed …

Read More about Bali Government Finally Imposes Emergency Partial Lockdown After Previously Refusing The Implementation

A married couple who have been identified as Alexander Briant Caesar Ivanno and his wife, Gaia Anindya have been arrested after robbing an ATM machine in Bali. The Head of the Badung Criminal Investigation Bureau, AKP I Putu Oka Prabawa confirmed that the suspects who have been living in the Puri Mas Residence North Kuta, …

Read More about Married Couple Arrested For Robbing ATM Machine, Causing Bank To Lose Thousands Of Dollars In Bali

An Italian National was unable to pay a fine after getting caught by the authorities for not wearing a mask while driving a motorbike in Denpasar. During an operation that was conducted by Bali authorities in the Sidakarya area, Denpasar on Wednesday (23/6), an Italian national was sanctioned for not wearing a face mask during …

Read More about Italian Man Was Unable To Pay Fine For Not Wearing Mask In Denpasar

A 26-year-old man named Muhammad Defri Suhairi Hermanto from Banyuwangi, East Java has been arrested after stealing a safe-deposit box from a villa in North Kuta. The Head of the Badung Police Department, AKBP Roby Septiadi confirmed that the suspect was arrested after breaking into a villa and stealing a safe-deposit box from a villa …

Read More about Man Arrested For Stealing A Safe-Deposit Box From British Man In Bali

A 45-year-old man named I Wayan Ardana has been arrested by Bali Police for getting involved in drug trafficking in Bali. The Prosecutor from the District Attorney, Gusti Rai Ayu Artini said the man who has been running a local shop in Bali would potentially face a 20 years of imprisonment for trafficking crystal meth …

Read More about Local Vendor Will Potentially Face 20 Years Imprisonment For Drug Trafficking In Bali

Bali officials have confirmed that Covid-19 transmissions on the island have been significantly reduced as the Covid-19 vaccine gets distributed to the residents. The Secretary of the Bali Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Made Rentin confirmed that the current active Covid-19 case is below 1% of the total population in Bali. “We have good news, the …

Read More about Covid-19 Transmissions In Bali Are Currently Below 1%