UPDATE: Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar said that reopening Bali would be delayed until at least 2021 as Indonesia focuses on domestic tourism instead.
Original Article Now Continues:
Bali is planning to reopen its borders to international tourism in September announced Bali Governor, Wayan Koster.
According to the Governor, domestic tourism will resume on July 9th, 2020 and will continue into August. If at that time local transmission is low, Bali will reopen its borders to foreign tourists.
“Once again I emphasize, this is just a plan, not a schedule that will definitely be implemented,” explained the Governor.
“Whether or not this is carried out will greatly depend on the situation and the dynamics of the development of Covid-19 in the field, especially local transmission in Bali.” Koster added.

“I strongly apply the precautionary principle regarding tourism, and the Minister also has the same view. Do not let the second wave occur, which of course will be very difficult to deal with,” Governor Koster explained.

The press conference was attended by Bali Governor Wayan Koster and the Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio at the Sawah Restaurant, in Ubud, Gianyar on Wednesday (6/17).

“Seeing the situation in Bali in general, according to the development of Covid-19, it is still quite high in several regions in Bali, said Koster.
“But we have prepared health protocol measures in case the tourism sector starts to open,” explained the Governor from the village of Sembiran Buleleng.

Accompanied by Deputy Governor Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati and Secretary of the Province of Bali Dewa Made Indra, Governor Koster conveyed the planned stages of reopening tourism at the press conference.
The Govenor stressed that Bali is currently focused first and foremost on efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic and the increasing cases of local transmission.
According to Koster, Bali will not reopen the international tourism market until local transmission has been stopped.

“One of the most important things that we must and must do right now is how we create a truly conducive, safe Bali situation from Covid-19”
“It really depends on the discipline of the community in the forefront of this pandemic prevention protocol.
“The people must be disciplined, disciplined tourism services, we need to be disciplined together”
“We need joint efforts, so that Bali can be conducive quickly, and the government can prepare its arrangements,” concluded the Governor.

Indonesian Minister of Transportation and Culture, Wishnutama Kusubandio was aligned with Koster’s vision for the future at the press conference.
“I salute Bali’s readiness, it must be like that. Prepared in advance, to be applied when reopened.”
“We must be able to build tourist trust, tourism is a business of trust, we must be able to build and create a sense of security and comfort for travelers while enjoying Bali.”
“First we will open tourism to locals and then we will review it together.”
“If the implementation was carried out well, conducive or not, whether the community was disciplined,” he explained.

Bali Police Chief Inspector General, Petrus R. Golose gave his full support for all programs launched by the central and regional governments.
“We are ready to secure the implementation of programs by the central and regional government,” he said.
Source: Bali Provincial Government
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