Karma Kandara Resorts have adjusted all their operating procedures to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors. During an exclusive interview with the founder and chairman of Karma Group, John Spence was feeling grateful as most of Karma Group’s Resorts that were spread in several different countries including Bali, Indonesia are still capable of …
A man named Willy Candra has lost a large amount of cash that he left inside his car while shopping in a grocery store in Bali. The Head of the Badung Police Department, AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes confirmed that the victim who has been living on Jalan Gunung Andakasa Number 35 North Denpasar has lost …
Officials from the Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport have conducted a simulation as part of the preparation stages before operating its international terminal again in the near future. The General Manager of Angkasa Pura I Ltd for Bali I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Herry A.Y. Sikado confirmed that the management of the Bali Airport has …
The Bali provincial government will start implementing new requirements for international visitors once the border reopens on October 14th 2021. The Head of Bali Informatics, Communication and Statistics, I Gusti Ngurah Udiyana stated that in accordance with the latest Decree from Bali Governor Number 15243 Year 2020, each traveler is required to download the LoveBali …
Bali Tourism Board Association has predicted that the six countries that will gain access to the island will only give a small impact to Bali’s economy in general. The Head of the Bali Tourism Board (BTB), Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana stated that the selected countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Dubai …
The Bali provincial government has announced that Bali will host several big events once the international travel corridor reopens in near future. Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster confirmed that both national and international big events are planned to be held in Bali once the border and the international terminal of Bali Ngurah Rai Airport begin …
Officials from the Bali Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) have published the estimated costs of centralized quarantine for international visitors once the border reopens. As the central government recently regulated a centralized quarantine as one of the entry requirements for international travelers, The Deputy Chief of Cultural, Environment and Public Relation of PHRI, I Gusti …
The Indonesian President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed Bali Officials to increase testing and contact tracing once the border reopens. During the President’s visit to Bali on Friday (8/10), Jokowi and several Bali Officials met at Governor’s Office to discuss the Covid-19 handling progress in Bali. On the agenda was preparations for the reopening of …
Local vendors of Kuta Beach have protested the policy that was recently implemented to permanently close 17 beach’ entrances. As The Bali Sun previously reported officials of Kuta Village have recently set a daily limit for visitors on Kuta Beach by utilizing the PeduliLindungi tracing app at several entrances to the beach area, and permanently …
The Tourism Association has confirmed that dozens of travel companies across Bali have permanently closed due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. The Head of the Indonesian Travel Agency Association (ASITA) for Bali, Putu Winastra confirmed that a total of 157 travel agencies in Bali faced bankruptcy since the Covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020. “According to …
Officials from the Tourism Association admitted that a large number of international tourists have become reluctant to travel to Bali due to the Indonesian quarantine policy. The Head of the Bali Tour Guide Association, I Nyoman Nuarta confirmed that the majority of potential visitors from selected countries such as Japan, China and South Korea decided …
Bali Tourism Association has confirmed that around 30% of tourism workers will start working once the border reopens. The Head of Badung Hotel and Restaurant Association, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Suryawijaya confirmed that several tourism workers who were previously laid-off due to the Covid-19 pandemic are expected to start working once the Bali Ngurah Rai …