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Bali officials have announced that among all the countries that will be prioritized to join the travel bubble arrangement with Bali, Australia is not one of them. Bali Vice Governor, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) said that during the preparation stage to reopen the international travel corridor that is expected to be established …

Read More about Bali Not Planning Travel Bubble With Australia Anytime Soon

A 53-year-old man named Nobuaki Takahashi from Japan has been found lifeless in a Guest House room on Monday (5/3) at around 5:00 pm. The Head of Denpasar Public Relation Police Officer, Iptu Ketut Sukadi said that the Japanese man who previously worked as a tour guide had allegedly taken his own life by hanging …

Read More about Japanese National Found Lifeless In Bali Guest House

A 15-year-old girl (initials DKA) from Sukasada has taken her own life by consuming potassium while inside her bedroom. The head of Sukasada Police Department, Kompol Wayan Sartika confirmed that DKA was found lifeless in her room by her father (initials DKT, 48) on Sunday (4/4). “The body was found by her father in her …

Read More about Student Takes Her Own Life Life By Consuming Potassium In Bali

Denpasar city government has decided to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine from door-to-door to accelerate the vaccination program in their area. The Spokesman of the Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force, I Dewa Gede Rai said that the officials will start to distribute vaccines this way in three different areas of South Denpasar, including Sidakarya, Sesetan, and …

Read More about Bali Officials Begin Distributing Vaccines Door-To-Door

Officials from the Denpasar city government have decided to extend the community-based partial lockdown until further notice. Until the government states otherwise, non-essential businesses are limited while most essential businesses are open at 50% capacity and reduced hours. Denpasar Mayor, IGN Jaya Negara said that the community-based partial lockdown in Denpasar that was supposed to …

Read More about Bali Officials Extend Partial Lockdown Until Further Notice

The current Covid-19 vaccine distribution in three appointed green zone areas is expected to be completed by next week. The Vice Governor of Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati (Cok Ace) said that the distribution of the Covid vaccine in Ubud, Sanur and Nusa Dua is almost complete. “The vaccination program in those three areas …

Read More about Bali Vice Governor Expects Vaccinations In 3 Green Zone Areas To Finish Next Week

The Canadian Ambassador for Indonesia, Cameron Mackay has recently visited Nusa Penida to inspect the agriculture training program that has been provided by the Canadian government as a form of support for the local community on the island The Regent of Klungkung District, I Nyoman Suwirta who accompanied Mackay during his visit said that he …

Read More about Canadian Ambassador Visits Bali To Assist With Agriculture Training Program

The Sanur Port facility has been busy with domestic tourists who plan to go to Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan during the Easter holiday. One of the staff from the Sanur Port facility, I Gusti Agus Prio Sudharma said that the influx of domestic tourists into Bali during this holiday season has increased activity of …

Read More about Travellers Using Sanur Port Increased During Easter Holiday

Bali Officials have announced that 96% of the population in the Sanur area have received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. The Spokesman of Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force, I Dewa Gede Rai said that 96% of the 33,225 people in Sanur have received their first dose of the vaccine. “Most of them are …

Read More about Over 90% Of People In Sanur Received Covid-19 Vaccine

Dozens of children in Klungkung are experiencing malnutrition and their condition is still far from normal in comparison to the average child in Bali. During a social visit from Empowerment of Family Welfare (PKK) that took place at the Dalem Temple in Nusa Penida, they found dozens of children were undersized and malnourished. The Head …

Read More about Malnutrition Cases In Klungkung Bali Surges Since Covid-19 Pandemic Struck

The Head of The National Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Lieutenant General of Military, Doni Monardo has urged the Governor of Bali to regulate a quarantine policy for both domestic and international visitors. This idea was proposed by Doni during a closed meeting that was held at the Governor’s office in Denpasar on Thursday (1/4). He …

Read More about National Covid Handling Task Force Urges Bali Governor To Regulate Quarantine Policy For Visitors

Indonesian Tourism Minister, Snadiaga Uno has recently received a report that some businesses are intentionally neglecting covid prevention protocols while operating. During a virtual press conference on Monday (22/3), Sandiaga said that The Head of National Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Doni Monardo warned him to pay more attention to the implementation of prevention protocols, especially …

Read More about Tourism Minister Says Some Businesses Intentionally Violating Prevention Protocols