A new policy from the Regional Public Corporation of Market in Buleleng triggered a protest from local merchants. The policy set to come into effect as of February 1/21 will increase the rent rate for traditional markets.
In response to the policy, four merchants arrived at the office of the Director of Buleleng Public Corporation Market, Argha Nayottama, to question the policy which comes at a challenging time.

Merchant representatives, Widiaputra and Putu Agus Susila from Seririt Fresh Market and Made Mahayasa and Poni Panggidae from Anyer Singaraja Fresh Market said that this is not the time to make such policy as revenue has dropped significantly since the start of the pandemic.

The new policy has been issued under the Regulation Number 01 Year 2021 from the Buleleng Regional Public Corporation Market to increase daily tax and monthly rent.
The daily tax has doubled from a previous IDR 3,000 to now IDR 6,000 per day. While the monthly rent that was IDR 3,300 per square meter has been raised to IDR 8,300 per month.

The Head of Buleleng House of Representative, Gede Supriatna confirmed that he has heard the complaints from local merchants. He plans to address their concern in a meeting with the Senator to reconsider the policy in order to help local merchants.

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