Indonesia Tourism Minister, Sandiaga Uno, is reviewing possibility of reopening Indonesia’s borders under certain requirements.
During a meeting at the Indonesian Bank – Bali Office in Denpasar on Thursday (28/1), Sandiaga said that he plans to run a program called Free COVID-19 Corridor (FCC) in Bali in order to reopen the border for international travelers.

“I got this idea from my colleagues in Morowali, Sulawesi, where FCC has been implemented to the foreign workers in that area,” Sandiaga said.
Additionally, Morowali has been accepting at least 5,000 foreign workers with the prerequisite that they have been vaccinated before departing from their country of origin. Sandiaga plans to study the procedures and create a plan to apply them for international tourism in Bali.

“Only those who have been vaccinated will be allowed to gain entry to Bali, and they would be required to take a rapid antigen test upon arrival in Indonesia.” Sandiaga added.
Bali Vice Governor, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) is optimistic that this program would help recover businesses in Bali.

Sandiaga also requested the central government to provide soft loans with low interest rates for businesses in Bali in order to stimulate economic activity.
The meeting was attended by the Head of Bali Tourism Board, Head of Bali Tourism Agency, Head of Indonesian Bank for Bali Province and several other tourism organizations.

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Tuesday 2nd of February 2021
Bad idea till vaccines are proven effective shield and all Bali residents are vaccinated to protect them from arrivals.. Think maybe March is the right time to thing of opening Minister
Tuesday 2nd of February 2021
Gosch! Do they really think, that they can escape the virus with any measures? At the end these measures cause more suffering than just the virus itself. From my perspective I will never ever allow someone to pump this toxic vaccine into my veins. So goodbye Bali until these corrupt politics allow all people to enter.
Thursday 4th of February 2021
Tuesday 2nd of February 2021
@Miller, after reading this, I thought exactly the same thing. And I’m sure, like many travelers from all over the world. Ah, dear Bali, please get rid of all this garbage and misleading hings soon!
Wayan Bo
Saturday 30th of January 2021
Hovewer, there are travel warnings across the Globe that enclosed Indonesia too. - Flights, especially long haul flights are becoming nightmare under new reality conditions. - Are there really so many masochistic tourist in the world available that will help Bali to come out of economic crisis, is at least very questionable. - The World Health Organizaton is against COVID passports like Iceland and Greece have suggested it. - It's expected that flight passengers numbers of 2019 can be reached again in 2024. - For tourismus 2021 is already lost, sad but true.
Ronald Carter
Saturday 30th of January 2021
Bali had 415 new Covid cases on Friday 29 2021 with sadly 15 deaths. Indonesia Tourism Minister, Sandiaga Uno, is reviewing possibility of reopening Indonesia’s. The minister needs to do a reality check and realize. Bali's Coronavirus is spiraling out of control with cases and deaths increasing everyday. Why add to the problem by bringing in more people.
Sunday 31st of January 2021
@Ronald Carter, who cares corona? money is everything in bali .
Saturday 30th of January 2021
@Ronald Carter, couldn't agreed more with you, because Morowali different from Bali. People will not work in Bali but most of all Bali always have a holiday and leisure vibe. And it would get worse to bring foreigners back with this FCC program.
Wayan Bo
Saturday 30th of January 2021
Not such bad in comparing with America and Europe.
Wayan Bo
Saturday 30th of January 2021
This are very bad numbers in comparing for example with Taiwan or Cambodia, but very good in c