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Large Group Apologizes After Partying In The Street Without Masks In Denpasar

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A large group of Denpasar locals were forced by police to apologize to the people of Bali after partying in the streets without masks.

A video of the group celebrating surfaced on social media and quickly went viral.

The video appeared to show dozens of people celebrating the end of ramadan in Denpasar without wearing masks while closely grouped together ignoring social distancing guidelines.

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Denpasar police chief Ruddi Setiawan confirmed the incident to The Bali Sun. “There was a large group of people celebrating the end of Ramadan and not following Covid-19 protocols,” said Setiawan.

Police quickly shutdown the party after multiple compalints were called in regarding a large group of people not wearing masks on Jl. Ahmad Yani Utara in Denpasar.

Police informed the group that they were risking the people of Bali and could have spread Covid-19 by their actions. The group was requested to make a formal apology on video.

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Aksi kerumunan yang digelar Warga RT 5 Kampung Jawa, Jalan Ahmad Yani Denpasar, langsung diatensi Polsek Denpasar Barat. Warga Kampung Jawa pun meminta maaf ke publik atas aksi yang mereka lakukan. Video istimewa Via: @jeg.bali @BaliRegion #BaliRegion #KlungkungInfo #Denpasarviral #BaliLIB #Covid19 #Covid_19 #Corona #CoronaVirus #VirusCorona #DiRumahAja #malamtakbiran #malamtakbiran2020 #Denpasar #Badung #Gianyar #Tabanan #Klungkung #Karangasem #Buleleng #Jembrana #Bangli #NusaPenida #NusaLembongan #NusaCeningan #Bali

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The Javanese resident have formally apologized to the public in the video posted to Denpasar.viral on Instagram.

Earlier in May, a Bali man held a traditional ceremony that hundreds of people attended ignoring social distancing rules. He is now facing up to one year in prison.


Back in April, a group of foreign tourists were caught throwing a party in their Bali villa. They also were forced to apologize to the public.

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