In January 2023, Bali was celebrated as the second-best tourism destination in the world by TripAdvisor. The Island of the Gods is best known for its tropical beaches, lush rice paddies, and deeply reverential culture, but as many ex-pats and frequent visitors to the island have observed, Bali has undergone a massive transformation in the …
Bali, as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, depends on the tourism sector for economic survival. Millions of tourists from around the world and all across Indonesia visit Bali every year to soak up the sun, learn about the unique culture and indulge in the hospitality of the island and its …
Officials in Bali have announced that they have plans to create billboards in foreign languages to help build awareness amongst visitors to the island on how to behave. The announcement comes just days after the provincial government confirmed that they had launched a dedicated task force to crack down on foreigners working illegally on the …
Officials from Bali’s Tourism Office have announced a new We Love Bali campaign that they hope will bring in a significant amount of donations from visitors to the island. The infrastructure for the We Love Bali campaign was quietly launched in 2022. Only now, however, is the Tourism Office promoting the campaign more publicly. Another …
The future of tourism in Bali looks bright as the island celebrates its two newly appointed ambassadors. During a dazzling ceremony on Sunday, 12th February, Ketut Wahyu Tamaja, 20, and Dinda Audreya Azhari Barenns, 22, were elected as Bali Tourism Ambassadors 2023. The duo is now in the running to become Indonesian Tourism Ambassadors for …
The Regional Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPD) for Badung Regency, the most popular tourist destination in Bali, has announced that it will be trying out new promotional tactics in 2023. Speaking to reporters, the Head of the BPPD Badung, Ida Bagus Namarupa, explained that this year’s approach would be more dynamic, more fun, and focused on …
Cruise tourism will be a big focus for Bali’s tourism sector in 2023. Tourism stakeholders from across Indonesia are investing millions in upgrading the island’s facilities to ensure that larger cruise vessels can come into dock. On the 14th February, Bali’s Celukan Bawang Port in Buleleng Regency welcomed the luxurious Seven Seas Explorer Cruise Ship’s …
One of the leading academics in Bali has pledged support to the island’s village tourism programs. Prof. Dr. I Gede Astra Wesnawa M.Si has told reporters of his support for community-based tourism initiatives on the Island of the Gods and will facilitate collaborations between the academic sector, government, and tourism stakeholders. Prof. Dr. Wesnawa told …
Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster, has announced that he and his cabinet are drafting regulations to heavily control tourism activity on the island’s sacred mountains. The move comes after a series of disrespectful acts were performed by tourists on the mountains, as well as accidents resulting in injury and, in tragic cases, death. The regulation …
Tourism stakeholders from across Bali gathered for a Nawacita Tourism Bali sharing session in Denpasar over the weekend. Attendees and speakers included Made Mangku Pastika, who is the former Governor of Bali and ex-Police Chief for Bali. The Head of the Bank of Indonesia for Bali, Trisno Nugroho, and the President of UID Bali Campus, …
Bali has only gone and done it again! Is the Island of the Gods ever going to fall off the podium as one of the best travel destinations in the world?! Tripadvisor has released its Travelers’ Choice Awards, the Best of the Best for 2023, and Bali has come in second place. Missing out narrowly …
Indonesia’s Minster for Tourism and Creative Economies has announced that he wants to integrate the development of West Bali and East Java as a part of the National Tourism Strategic Areas. Minister Uno shared his vision with communities and the press during a weekend visit to Pescuen Village in East Java. Minister Uno told small …