Surging COVID-19 cases in the district have led to the ICU at Klungkung Public Hospital to reach maximum capacity. Despite government measures of safety protocols, active cases in the Bali region continue to climb by day.

The Vice Director of the Medical and Nursing Unit from Klungkung Public Hospital Dr. Ratna Dwijayawati said that hospital data indicates there are 13 patients being are being treated in the ICU and 46 patients inside the isolation rooms as of Sunday (14/2).
She also mentioned that some of the patients are residents of nearby areas including Karangasem, Tabanan, and Bangli.

“10 patients from other regions were referred to our hospital as we’re the nearest one to their location,” Dr Dwijayawati said.
She added that COVID-19 cases increased in the last couple of days, with the majority of patients experiencing severe symptoms. As a result, there’s only one vacant bed left inside the ICU of Klungkung Public Hospital.
“I really hope there will be no additional cases in the next few days,” Dr Dwijayawati added.

Meanwhile, the isolation rooms at Klungkung Hospital prepared with 63 beds are relatively vacant.
Conclusively, she said that the majority of patients with severe symptoms are elderly or cases with previous congenital diseases such as diabetes and respiratory illness.
Although a partial lockdown is in effect in most regions in Bali, data suggests cases are still on the rise.

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