The Denpasar Government has decided to extend the partial lockdown until February 18, 2021 as active COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the region.
Accordingly, authorities have requested financial aid for local businesses affected by the lockdown.
(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yaika)
The partial lockdown will be implemented in 43 villages in Denpasar.
In regards to the extension of the partial lockdown, the Deputy Chief I of Denpasar House of Representatives, I Wayan Mariyana Wandhira, urged the regional government to take responsibility in providing aid to affected workers and small businesses.
Non-essential businesses are closed completely while grocery stores and food stalls are to abide by the 9:00pm curfew outlined by the government.
(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yaika)
“I personally don’t want to judge this implementation, but as far as I know the city government doesn’t really think about the small businesses that operate in the evening to sell food for instance,” Wandhira said on Monday (18/1).
He urged the government to provide basic needs for affected businesses to sustain their living.
Wandhira added that people in Denpasar have always followed the safety protocols in order to reduce virus transmission, and as a return the government should find a solution to their financial problem.
“I’m just curious if the city government has all the data of those who operate their businesses in the evening. I want this to be clear so there will be balance between the regulation and the implementation in reality” Wandhira concluded.
(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yaika)
The implementation of partial lockdown is based on Article 5 Number 2 Mayor’s Regulation year 2020 about Health Protocols which states that in the event COVID-19 cases surge, the Mayor could implement partial lockdown at any time to reduce the transmission.
Denpasar is currently considered a red zone area, thus the government decided to activate the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in every village to supervise all public places.
Grocery stores, malls and markets will be patrolled during the operational hours to assure that everyone is following the prevention protocols.
(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yaika)
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