There’s a reason beyond the affordable everyday low-prices that draw us to Ikea. The Swedish retailer is like the Epcot of furniture stores.
On a visit to the immersive store, a whole day can easily go by before you realize it.
An on-site restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you get hungry, all you have to do is go and order some Swedish meatballs.
Whether you go shopping with your significant other or your roommate, it’s fun to play house in the labyrinth of mock displays made to mimic real life homes.
The whole store is an Instagram paradise, and one influencer’s recent trip reminded us a valuable lesson.
In the words of Natalia Taylor, “Don’t believe everything you see on the Gram.”
Taylor recently dropped by Ikea to see if you could pull of the ultimate prank. Could she make her followers believe that she was on a luxury dream vacation in Bali when she was actually at her local Swedish furniture store the whole time? The answer proved to be overwhelmingly, “Yes.”
“The point of this video is to show how easy it is to trick people into thinking you’re someone you’re not,” Taylor said in a YouTube video revealing the prank. “And immediately people started buying it.”
Those looking at Taylor’s photos with a critical or design eye may have noticed one of the many Easter eggs she left as clues.
“If you look close at some of the images, you’ll be able to see little Ikea things in there,” Taylor said. “Because I wanted to leave little easter eggs in there for any of my followers who are too smart for this challenge.”
Sure enough, there were followers who were too smart for the challenge. But everyone else learned a valuable lesson: Don’t trust everything you see on the internet.
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Source: House Beautiful
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