Bali Law and Human Rights Ministry led a session at the courthouse regarding the two foreign nationals who requested Indonesian citizenship. The two expats have lived long-term in Bali, and displayed detailed knowledge regarding Indonesian law and culture during the session.

The Head of Bali Law and Human Rights Ministry, Jamaruli Manihuruk led the session along with authorities from Police Department and Taxation Department on Tuesday (2/3).
During the session, there were two foreign nationals who requested citizenship, they were Troy Sinclair who currently has holds dual citizenship in English and Australia, and Marion Gerber as a Swiss citizen.

“Troy Sinclair came to Indonesia in 2003 and now he’s currently staying in Klumpu Village Nusa Penida, Klungkung. He also runs a business in the tourism sector in Nusa Lembongan” said Jamaruli.
Meanwhile, Marion Gerber lived and went to the middle school in Bali as Gerber was born to an Indonesian mother. The verification team also asked about their knowledge of Indonesian culture, taxation, and criminal activity.

“Both of them answered all the questions pretty well, and they have enough knowledge about Indonesia in general” Jamaruli concluded.
At the end of the session, they were asked to sing the Indonesian national anthem. Both applicants have been compliant with federal law, paying their taxes, and have never committed any crime during their stay in Indonesia.
Jamaruli and his team are currently assessing all their documents before making the final decision.

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Thursday 4th of March 2021
A definite boost for Indonesia' image should the two expats' request for Indonesian citizenship is approved.
Their Cultural awareness rose to a level of recognition and understanding that we all have different values shaped by our diverse cultural backgrounds. What it is considered to be 'normal' behaviour in one country can be entirely different in another.
By being respectful of others and accepting people's opinions, rights and feelings even when they are entirely different to our own. We allow ouselves furthermore to develop more successful personal and professional relationships and benefit from cultural diversity.
Thursday 4th of March 2021
but Indonesian law prevents any of its citizens from holding dual citizenship. I hope these two ex-pats will change the status quo, by allowing Indonesian to have dual citizenship. Dunia semakin terbuka, semoga pemerintah Indonesia membuka diri kepada masyarakt dunia.
Wayan Bo
Thursday 4th of March 2021
Especially those over 60 years of age should get it imidiately and without any restrictions if they apply for citizenship.
Wayan Bo
Thursday 4th of March 2021
Everybody, at least persons from EU and nearby states who wish to get Indonesian citizenship should get it as soon as possible with acceptance of multiple citizenship. It's great sign of love, friendship and compliment for Indonesia when somebody want to become also by documents a Indonesian.
Wednesday 3rd of March 2021
When Indonesia border open for tourist like Maldives? What restriction do foreigner need to enter now?