Tourists planning visits to Bali are being warned about the potential for a megathrust earthquake that could hit the island at any time.
Officials from the Center of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics say that although the public must remain calm and carry out normal activities, the potential for a devastating earthquake is a very real threat.

The Indonesian Center of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics has confirmed that the country could be bit by a megathrust earthquake that would originate in the Nanaki seismic gap off the east coast of Japan, in the regions of Kyushu, Kinki, and Shikoku.
The Head of the Earthquake and Tsunami Center at the Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency explained to reporters, “If a massive earthquake on the Nankai megathrust does occur and generates a tsunami, we need to be vigilant, as a large tsunami in Japan could potentially reach Indonesian territories.”
Mapping the potential impact of such an earthquake shows that the Indonesian provinces that would be the worst affected would be Bali and Indonesia’s northernmost region of Aceh.
Much of northern Aceh was devastated by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami that also affected many tourism resorts in the south of Thailand.
Historial data shows that the earthquake source zone that directly affects Bali is capable of experiencing earthquakes of catastrophic impact, notably with magnitudes of over 8.0 every one or two centuries. Japanese scientists have stated that the Nankai Trough is capable of creating an earthquake of 9.1 magnitude should the fault edges slip simultaneously.
The Nankai Trough is an 800 km-long deep sea trench that spans Shizuoka, which is west of Tokyo and Kyushu Island. Megathrust dapat memicu gempa besar di wilayah Jawa dan Sumatra. 🌍 Kepala Pusat Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami BMKG, Daryono, sebelumnya merilis pernyataan yang menyebut bahwa gempa di dua megathrust di Indonesia tinggal menunggu waktu. ⏳ Zona megathrust Mentawai-Siberut di sepanjang batas barat Pulau Sumatera dapat menyebabkan gempa hingga magnitudo 8,9. Sementara, zona megathrust Selat Sunda diperkirakan bisa memicu gempa dahsyat dengan kekuatan M 8,7. 🌋 Izin min @tribunnews pake Voicenya #megathrust #gempa #gempabumi #bencana #bencanaalam #jawa #sumatera ♬ original sound –
These predictions and concerns have been hitting the headlines after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Miyazaki on the 8th of August, 2024.
While the government of Japan reported no major damage, which means there was no damage to critical infrastructure, including nuclear power plants, homes were devastated by the quake, and communities will have months of cleanup work ahead of them.
The Indonesian Center of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics has told reporters that a huge earthquake in the Sunda and Mentawai-Suberut Straits is considered to be “only a matter of time.”
However, the Head of the BMKG Bali, Cahyo Nugroho, has stated that this doesn’t mean an earthquake will necessarily strike in the immediate future.
Nugroho told reporters, “We hope this will not be interpreted incorrectly as if it would happen in the near future.”
He added, “Until now, there is no science and technology that can predict earthquakes precisely and accurately.”
He reiterated that the threat of a megathrust earthquake hitting Bali has been present for centuries, and the recent updates do not state anything that would change the way in which Bali residents and tourists go about their day-to-day activities.

He told reporters, “The earthquake potential on the Megathrust of the Sunda Strait and Mentawai-Siberut is not new; it has even existed since before the Aceh earthquake and tsunami occurred in 2004.”
Nugroho assured tourists that it is still safe to visit Bali’s beaches and top tourist resorts. He concluded, “If the public feels a strong earthquake that lasts a long time, immediately leave the house and stay away from the beach.”

Throughout Bali, there are tsunami evacuation routes and tsunami shelters along the southern coast. All major hotels and resorts will also have earthquake and tsunami protocols in place, and for those concerned about the risk potential, hotel staff will always be happy to run through the protocols with guests so they feel better informed as to what to do in the event of an earthquake.
In 2023, the Executive Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Made Rentin, confirmed that he had invited the authorities to invest more in disaster management resources in Bali, especially for earthquake and tsunami management.

Rentin explained, “We still need to optimize the early warning system we already have. The area of Bali is 0.26% of the whole of Indonesia. Ideally, 41 tsunami siren points must be installed.” As of June 2023, nine tsunami warning sirens were in place along Bali’s southern coast.
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Thursday 22nd of August 2024
> Nugroho told reporters, “We hope this will not be interpreted incorrectly as if it would happen in the near future.”
Really? Calling it “megathrust” and saying an earthquake up to 9.1 is “immanent" might go a long way to how we interpret it.
Thursday 22nd of August 2024
Need to be a little careful how you headline this type of thing. Headline suggests a major earthquake is imminent here in Bali. Of course that’s always possible but reading further it becomes clear it’s suggesting a tsunami resulting from a Japanese earthquake. I would suspect if Australuan media got hold of your article they would blow it out of the water, consequently scaring folks from coming to Bali.
Thursday 22nd of August 2024
"Tourists Warned Of Potential For Megathrust Earthquake In Bali."
Alarmist much? M9 earthquakes are rare with only around 1-3 worldwide within any 100 yr span. Nothing of late has made a change to this. The unusual is that around 5 of these M9 earthquakes happen since around 1950. A M9 earthquake is unlikely, but on the other hand one cannot completely exclude the possibility.
South of Bali is in danger to even small tsunamis of 3-5 meter as large swathes of coastal areas are only a a few meters or less above sea level with long distance to reach higher ground. In South Denpasar large areas are less than 3m above sea level despite 2km from the beach!
This is why destroying the mangroves buffer-zones and overdevelopments along the coastal zones are such a failure.