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The Nusa Penida Tourism Activist Association (HPPNP) has filed a report to the police department regarding the illegal fees in several tourist places in Nusa Penida. The Head of HPPNP, I Putu Gede Suka Widana , confirmed that he has filed a report to the police concerning the illegal fees being collected from tourists. This …

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The National Electricity Corporation (PLN) will completely shut down the electricity in Nusa Penida in observance of the Day of Silence (Nyepi) on March 3. The Public Relations Manager of PLN for Bali, I Made Arya, confirmed that there would be a blackout in Nusa Penida during the Day of Silence, as was requested by …

Read More about Bali Electricity Corporation Confirms Power Interruption In Nusa Penida During The Day Of Silence

A fire truck belonging to the Klungkung regional government broke down while going to a fire site in Nusa Penida. The Head of the Klungkung Civil Service Office, Putu Suarta, confirmed that the fire truck called to put out the fire in Batukandik Village, Nusa Penida broke down as it was on its way to …

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The leader of a Bali community organization with initials I Gege BP has been reported to the police for extorting and damaging the property of a tourism business in Nusa Penida. A 42-year-old man named Tjandra Jaya Kesuma from Denpasar reported the leader of a community organization to the police for extorting, threatening, and damaging …

Read More about Leader Of Bali Community Organization Extorted And Damaged A Business In Nusa Penida

An official from the Nusa Penida sub-district has announced that all Nusa Penida residents will be required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before receiving public services from the government. The Head of the Nusa Penida Sub-district, I Komang Widyasa Putra, confirmed that he would implement a policy requiring all residents to be fully vaccinated …

Read More about Nusa Penida Bali Residents Must Be Fully Vaccinated To Receive Public Services

Bali Officials have decided to begin the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine to public residents of Nusa Penida this month. After finishing the vaccination program for tourism workers, Nusa Penida Sub-District officials have started to target public residents to receive the Covid vaccine in May 2021. The Head of Nusa Penida Sub-District, I Komang Widyasa …

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The Canadian Ambassador for Indonesia, Cameron Mackay has recently visited Nusa Penida to inspect the agriculture training program that has been provided by the Canadian government as a form of support for the local community on the island The Regent of Klungkung District, I Nyoman Suwirta who accompanied Mackay during his visit said that he …

Read More about Canadian Ambassador Visits Bali To Assist With Agriculture Training Program

Officials from the National Electricity Company (PLN) for Bali province have announced that they will continue providing electricity for all of mainland Bali except Nusa Penida during the Day of Silence (Nyepi Day). Communication Manager of PLN for Bali province, I Made Arya said that the plan to shut down the electricity in Nusa Penida …

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The Regency of Klungkung plans to develop roads in Nusa Penida to accommodate the influx of tourists. The island’s lack of transport infrastructure and poor road conditions have been brought to government attention for causing heavy traffic and motor accidents. For the past two years, Nusa Penida in Klungkung has been one of the most …

Read More about Government Plans To Develop Road Infrastructure In Nusa Penida