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The Christmas and New Year holiday season in Bali was a big success for the tourism industry, with hotel occupancy rates reportedly increasing significantly. Even lesser-visited areas in Buleleng Regency, received a significant influx of tourists. According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) for Buleleng, Dewa Ketut Suardipa, the occupancy …

Read More about Travelers To North Bali Complain About High Hotel Prices

Bali has welcomed over 10 million tourists in 2022 alone. While this number is significantly higher than targets set by the Minster for Tourism earlier in the year, the positive impact of tourism returning to Bali has not been distributed evenly across the islands. Even before the pandemic, tourism was concentred in the south of …

Read More about North Bali To Receive Boost To Tourism Over Festive Season

Tourists and drivers in Bali are being reminded not to always follow online SatNav services to the letter when in rural areas. While apps like GoogleMaps and Waze are heavily relied upon by taxi drivers and visitors to Bali, the navigation systems are notorious for sending travelers far off route and often onto impassable roads …

Read More about Tourists End Up Off Route And In Danger Following Online Maps In Bali