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Officials from the Denpasar city government have started to inspect the implementation of prevention protocols in accommodation businesses in the area. The authorities began their inspection in a hotel in Kesiman Kertalangu Denpasar on Thursday (10/2). They checked the implementation of all Covid prevention protocols, such as PeduliLindungi app utilization, hand sanitizer availability, hand washing …

Read More about Officials Inspecting Bali Hotels To Ensure Health Protocols Are Being Followed

Several hotels in the Karangasem region have decided to keep operating during the pandemic despite losing thousands of dollars every month. The Head of Karangasem Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), I Wayan Kariasa, confirmed that several accommodation businesses in Karangasem decided to avoid closure, as it might cause further damage to their properties. “Our hotel …

Read More about Hotels In Karangasem Bali Keep Operating To Avoid Further Loss

Authorities from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force have announced that they will penalize hotels that don’t utilize the PeduliLindungi tracing app. The Secretary of the Buleleng Covid-19 Handling Task Force, I Gede Suyasa, confirmed that officials would penalize tourism businesses such as hotels that do not use the PeduliLindungi tracing app in their operations. “Officials …

Read More about Bali Hotels That Don’t Use The PeduliLindungi App May Lose Their Permits

    A hotel and several rice fields that are located in the Klungkung region have been damaged by large waves. The Financial Controller of the Wyndham Tamamsari Jivva Resort Bali, Wisnu Anggoro confirmed that some of the hotel’s property that is located on Lepang Beach was damaged by large waves that occurred on Thursday morning (12/8). …

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The Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association (PHRI) for Bali has confirmed that Ubud has received zero bookings during the holiday season in May 2021. The Head of Gianyar PHRI, Adit Pande said that during the Eid Al-Fitr holiday season this year, the hotels and restaurants in Ubud recorded almost zero reservations since Wednesday (12/5). This …

Read More about Bali Hotels Suffer Amid Travel Ban

Around 30% of hotels in Bali that are registered with the Bali Hotel Association (BHA) have decided to close their operations during the upcoming travel ban. The Executive Director of the Bali Hotel Association, Diah Ajung confirmed that around 30% of their members have recently decided to close their operations when the internal travel ban …

Read More about 30% Of Bali Hotels Decide To Shut Down Operations During Travel Ban

As the government has stopped funding hotels for the isolation of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients in Bali, hotels are further faced with financial setbacks.  One of the hotels affected is the Vasini Hotel on Jalan WR Supratman, Denpasar.  The General Manager of The Vasini Hotel admitted that room rental fees for Covid-19 patients in December, January, …

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Read More about Bali Quarantine Hotels Have Allegedly Not Been Paid After Government Cuts Funding

The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) from Gianyar has urged the central government to reopen the travel corridor for international tourists and requested financial loans for hotels. The Head of Gianyar PHRI, Pande Adit, explained that the government should consider options to advance the reopening, including PCR testing on arrival and free quarantine for all international visitors.

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The adverse effects of COVID-19 on Bali’s tourism-based economy left many locals without a job. Among the victims of lay-offs, a 22-year-old man from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Santa, finds himself working as a scavenger to support his family.

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A lack of tourism and low occupancy rates of hotels in Bali has led many hotel owners to pack up and sell their business. According to the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), 60 hotels are currently on the market as the travel corridor remains closed and the tourism industry sees no sign of recovery.

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Read More about 60 Bali Hotels Up For Sale Amidst Crumbling Tourism Sector

Hotel occupancy in Buleleng District, North Bali plummets as the holiday season reaches its end. The average occupancy of star-rated hotels in Buleleng during Christmas and New Years was above 50 percent. Subsequently, business has declined as hotels see zero bookings for February leading into March. (Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yaika) The …

Read More about Bali Hotel Bookings In Mass Decline Following Holiday Season