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The Bali Provincial government has urged the central government to give more attention to the current economic condition that Bali has been facing since the Covid-19 pandemic struck. Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster urged the central government to find solutions for the current crisis that most of the people in Bali have been facing during …

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Several Villages in Tabanan including Beraban Village where the Tanah Lot Temple is located have been appointed as green zone areas and will soon be included in the Covid-19 Free Corridor program. The Regent of Tabanan District, I Komang Gede Sanjaya explained that his proposal to appoint several villages in Tabanan such as Beraban, Penebel …

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Bali Officials have started to implement the Genose C-19 breath test as a Covid testing method in The I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport as of Friday (9/4). As one of the testing methods that was invented by Professor Kuwat Triyono from Gadjah Mada University, the Genose test is claimed to have high accuracy like other …

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The Bali Provincial government has started to prepare several hotels that will be used as quarantine facilities for international visitors when the border reopens. Bali Vice Governor, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) said that he has been communicating with several institutions such as the Immigration office and the Health Agency to appoint several …

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Officials from Ngurah Rai International Airport have decided to raise their parking fees amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The Stakeholder Relations Manager of Angkasa Pura I Ltd of the Ngurah Rai Airport, Taufan Yudhistira said that management decided to raise their parking fees as of Thursday (1/4). “This policy to raise our parking fees was finally …

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A 31-year-old man named Hutton Gav Hutton from South Africa has been found dead inside his room in Canggu, North Kuta. The Head of the North Kuta Police Department, Kompol Marzel Doni said that Gav had hung himself and was found by his neighbour, Bodene Cruickshank around 5:20am on Wednesday (7/4). “One of his neighbours, …

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Bali Tourism Association has predicted that Bali will receive at least 1.5 million international visitors when the travel corridor reopens. The Head of the Bali Tourism Board (BTB), Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana said that the preparation stages of reopening the international travel corridor which includes distributing the Covid-19 vaccine is about to finish, and …

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The Klungkung Police Department has completed a routine inspection of their officers on Tuesday morning (6/4), and those found violating standards were sentenced to pushups. The Head of Klungkung Police Inspector, Ipda I Wayan Suartika said that these operations are initiated to ensure that all of the officers in Klungkung are still complying with the …

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A video of a foreign national who was picking through garbage to find food has recently gone viral on social media. The video that was uploaded on Wednesday (7/4) has attracted many responses from people who feel really sorry to see what the expat was doing to find some food. According to the video, the …

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Bali Officials plan to hold 20 national big events in 2021 to increase the enthusiasm of domestic tourists to visit the island. The Head of Bali Tourism Agency, Putu Astawa said that Bali is expected to host these big events this year to attract more domestic visitors, especially when the border remains closed for international …

Read More about Bali Will Host 20 National Events To Attract Domestic Visitors In 2021

A 59-year-old man named Ferry Tjandratno Pradigtho has been found dead in his house located in Jalan Anggrek, North Denpasar. The Head of the Denpasar Public Relations Police Officer, Iptu Ketut Sukadi said that Ferry was found lifeless by his wife, Fransisca Susi Mariani (59) on Tuesday (6/4) after spending several days inside his bedroom …

Read More about Man Found Dead in Bali After Facing Business Bankruptcy

An Indian National named Pradeep Kumar has been detained by a Public Civil Service Officer for extorting local people in Denpasar. The Head of Denpasar Public Civil Service Officer, I Dewa Gede Anom Sayoga said that officers detained the Indian man after receiving several reports from locals regarding the man’s behavior recently. “He extorted cigarettes …

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