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Fears Over 483 Probable Cases In Bali in 1 Day of Rapid Testing

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Two potential large outbreaks of Covid-19 have been confirmed by Bali officials in the regencies of Buleleng and Bangli totaling 483 probable cases in one day through rapid testing.


The findings of the mass rapid test results in Banjar Serokadan, Abuan Village, Bangli  are shocking. Of the 1,210 residents who were rapid tested, on Thursday (30/4), 443 people tested positive for the Covid-19 virus.

Regarding the results of the rapid test, the Daily Chair of the Covid-19 Bali Province Coordination Task Force (GTPP) Dewa Made Indra, said that the GTPP team immediately made a number of efforts to stop the spread. 

OUtbreak in bangli

“For the results (rapid test), We will then proceed again to take the swab. Of course the swab results will be the final result,” he replied.

A swab test must be completed to confirm a positive case of Covid-19. 

In addition, Indra said the rapid test process is ongoing so the task force has quarantined the entire village of Abuan.

“With the regent’s permission, we have isolated and closed the village. Nobody can leave or enter the village. Tomorrow we will make a public kitchen for the needs of the residents there,” Indra said.

dewi made indra

Overall rapid test were carried out on 1,210 residents. 443 people tested positive. 


The Government of the Regency of Buleleng returned to conduct further rapid tests in Bondalem Village.

Rapid testing was held following the occurrence of cases of local transmission of covid-19 in the village. 

Rapid tests were conducted at the Bondalem LPD Office, Thursday (30/4) morning. In total there were 128 market traders who underwent rapid tests.

Secretary of the Covid-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling (GTPP) of the Regency of Buleleng Gede Suyasa said, of the 128 people who underwent a rapid test, there were 40 people who tested positive for the virus. A final swab test must be completed by a lab to confirm the results. 

After testing positive all 40 residents will undergo quarantine under the supervision of a medical team. They will be quarantined in two different locations. Ie, in the Primary Giri Emas Hospital and Mahottama Pavilion, Buleleng Regional Hospital.

Suyasa said, a swab sampling must be carried out to ensure the virus is present in those that have tested positive for a rapid test.

Meanwhile, residents who have undergone a rapid test on Wednesday (29/4) are said to be still waiting for the results of swab sampling. The medical team took swab samples on Thursday morning. The sample test results are expected to be received on Thursday night.

“The results of this lab will be a reference in making further policies. Until the results of this swab are received, we have asked the sub-district head and the local administration to make tighter social and physical distancing. Including supervision of the community so as not to leave the house, until there is a further decision, “said Suyasa.

“Because we have seen rapid tests that were positive, after the swab was conducted, sometimes 80 percent were negative,” he said.

According to NPR, expert doctors say it is the opposite. Rapid testing produces fale negatives which means the patient is actually infected but tests negative. 

According to CNN, The highest false positive rate known out of all major rapid tests for covid-19 is 15%.

To put that in perspective if there was a 15% error rate of false positives in the 483 cases recorded today there would still be 411 positive cases of Covid-19. 

New rapid test kits have also been released around the world that have been published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as having a 100-per cent accuracy rate.

Official numbers for Covid-19 cases in Bali do not include people who have tested positive through rapid testing. 

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