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Bali Will Get Vaccine First When It Becomes Available in Indonesia

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Vice Chairman Of Covid-19 Handling Task Force said that Bali and Java will be the first provinces in Indonesia to receive the vaccine.

Luhut Binsar Panjaitan made the statement during a virtual press conference on Friday Sept 18th 2020 and said that Bali and Java have the highest COVID-19 cases in Indonesia and should get the vaccination first. 

Empty bean bags on beach

“Our first priority for vaccination will the medical workers in Bali and Java, cause I don’t want to hear any report about mortality of COVID-19 from our medical workers, then continue to vaccinate the civilians.”, Luhut said.

Indonesia is currently collaborating with pharmaceutical companies from China Sinovac, and G42 from Uni Arab Emirates to develop the coronavirus vaccine.

Indonesian Doctors

The vaccine from Sinovac has reached stage 3 of clinical examinations in Bandung, West Java. Meanwhile Indonesia itself has been developing our own vaccine called Merah Putih Vaccine.

The vaccine program is run by the Ejikman Molecular Biology Institution. “It’s still under early development, we haven’t reached clinical examination”, Luhut added.

Bali has 7534 COVID-19 cases in total, 6.073 have recovered and the mortality rate is 2.64%  as of Friday Sept 18th 2020.

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