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Bali Hospital Accused of Diagnosing Patients With COVID-19 Who Were Actually Negative

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A Bali hospital has been accused of diagnosing patients with COVID-19 who did not actually have the virus in order to receive more money from the Indonesian Government. 

Director of Negara Hospital in Jembrana, I Gusti Ketut Oka Parwata has denied the  accusation for faking COVID-19 results.

Bali hospital

According to a statement by the Head of Presidential Staff, Moeldoko, the government has warned hospitals to not play games with the data of  Covid-19 deaths.

“We have to make sure, if somebody has died from Covid-19 or not” Moeldoko said. There are hospitals that has been indicating fake COVID-19 tests to get easy money from the government.

According to Dr. Parwata, his hospital is still implementing all of the regulations from the central government.

“It will never happen in our hospital, I promise” said Dr Parwata while letting 16 patients go home after they’ve recovered from Covid-19 at the hospital.

“Although the hospital is strict with their regulations, it’s still hard to gain people’s trust.”

“People assumed that we were the bad guys, so it’s pretty hard for us to educate and communicate with the patients and their family” Dr Parwata added.

bali hospital

Dr Parwata said that it would be better for the people of Jembrana to support the government’s effort to handle this pandemic by avoiding crowds, keeping their hands sanitized and wearing masks.

Jembrana is still considered a safer area than Denpasar and Tabanan. 

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According to Denpasar Mayor, Ida Bagus Rai Mantra during a virtual meeting on Thursday Oct 8th 2020, Denpasar is becoming a Red Zone again, after Covid-19 cases surged in the last couple of days. “I command to all Covid-19 Handling Task Force from the city to the villages to work together, so we can minimize the surging cases in Denpasar” Rai Mantra said.

Indonesian Doctors

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