Although the Denpasar City Government hasn’t given an official regulation about which mask is better to protect people from COVID-19, The Spokesman of Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force, I Dewa Gede Rai has said that people should switch from cloths masks to medical masks.
According to the research from the Indonesian central government, cloth masks can don’t protect from filtration from dust, viruses and bacteria compared to medical masks. “We suggest to switch masks, because it has been proven that it can’t be as effective as the medical mask” Dewa said.

The Denpasar City Government hasn’t made any official decree about what type of mask people should wear. “It would be a lot better if people put another layer on their mask to make it thicker if they don’t have a medical mask, to give a maximum protection from the droplets” Dewa added.

Dewa also said that people need to start wearing masks even while inside their home, especially if one of the family members gets sick from a flu or fever. “As we all know that family could be a potential cluster with asymptomatic patient” Dewa concluded.

The statement has made the cloth mask vendors on the side of the roads worried about their business.
One seller named Wardika has said that if the government make a new decree about face mask regulations, that will it destroy their business.
“It would be an end for my business I’m afraid” Wardika said.
Wardika has been selling masks since June, after he has lost his job due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Bali started issuing fines to those who refused to wear masks after the COVID-19 pandemic started spreading rapidly on the island. Governor Koster announced in the new decree that whose who were caught not wearing masks when outside of the home would be fined 100,000 IDR.

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