The massive decline in Bali’s tourism-based economy has left 144,500 people unemployed since the start of the pandemic. According to data from Bali Statistic Center (BPS), the unemployment rate in Bali recently hit record highs, increasing to 5.63 percent.

In an interview with the Head of Bali Labor and Mineral Resources Agency on Friday (29/1), Ida Bagus Ngurah Arda explained, “Based on the latest data in November 2020, 144,500 people have become unemployed which is equivalent to 5.63%”.
The number has significantly increased in comparison with the data in 2019 which showed an unemployment rate of 1.33 percent.

He admitted that global pandemic has affected the tourism sector which had been serving as the backbone of Bali’s economy.
However, Arda appreciates the move from the Indonesian Ministry of Labor to reinstate the opportunity for Bali migrant workers to return to work overseas.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bali Senator from Commission III, Anak Agung Ngurah Ardhi Ardhana, is optimistic in the coming infrastructure projects, including the development of roads and railways, yet to begin this year.
“With many projects planned to start this year, Bali would earn at least USD 2.2 billion (IDR 31 trillion). This will create more jobs and our people will gain benefits.” Ardhana concluded.

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Tuesday 2nd of February 2021
5.63% is low. Many leading nations in economy would be more than happy to have such unemployment rates.
Paul Morris
Wednesday 3rd of February 2021
@WAYAN BO, you seriously don’t believe those figures from the government, the unemployment rate is more like 80% I have friends who live in Bali and they are telling me about how bad things are and of how many business have been closed for the last 10 months. The figures that the government are using are based on the number of business that paid taxes in 2019-2020 this is then used to calculate the unemployment rate.