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12 Denpasar Hotels Certified Under New Normal Health Protocols

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The Denpasar Tourism Office has certified 12 hotels that have successfully implemented the new normal health protocols.

Head of Denpasar Tourism Department, Dezire Mulyani has said during as interview on Wednesday morning Sept 23rd, 2020 that there are 12 hotels in Denpasar that have been certified to operate in the new normal. “We also have another two places that is still under verifying process, 1 restaurant and 1 tourist attraction” Dezire added.


Beach hotel resort sits empty

This program has been going since the reopening of Bali in July which gives certifies tourism businesses that are following all COVID-19 health protocols. “It could be a good reference for the travelers to decide where they want to stay, it ensure them about the cleanliness, health and safety of the place”, Dezire concluded.

For the businesses who want to get the application form, they can download it here.  After completing all the requirements needed, applicant can submit the form by email to [email protected]

“Denpasar Tourism Office will begin the verification process either virtually or on site, so they can issue the New Normal Sertificate afterwards.” Dezire said.

Bali hotel room

The Denpasar Tourism Department hopes that this will attract travelers to visit Bali and feel safer in the new normal. 

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