Bali is on track to have the busiest Christmas and New Year holiday season since 2018. Yet, bad weather conditions across the island are impacting tourist activities. Heavy rains and storms over the last three days have meant that visitors to Bali’s iconic beaches have dropped. This has caused concern for local business owners who …
Officials at Indonesia’s National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) are calling on the Bali provincial government to pay close attention to the island’s rivers. The swelling rivers that transect the Island of the Gods are showing signs of increased risk of flash flooding. These kinds of natural disasters could prove devastating, even fatal. In light of …
The rainy season has well and truly arrived in Bali, but the impact of increased rainfall has had a more devastating effect in just a few days than in the last few years combined. Heavy rainfall across Bali has caused major flash flooding events, landslides, bridges to collapse, trees to fall, and communities to be …
Emergency meetings have been held by leaders and communities across Bali as the impacts of this week’s bad weather continue to worsen. Reports of flooding, landslides, and fallings trees have dominated local headlines this week. Families have lost their homes, people have been injured in weather events, and sadly several local people have lost their …
Bali authorities decided to temporarily close down the Gilimanuk Port in Bali due to bad weather. The Operational Coordinator of Gilimanuk Port, Nyoman Sastrawan, confirmed that authorities decided to stop operations in anticipation of dangerous incidents due to the bad weather on Tuesday afternoon (11/1). The closure caused delays to the ferry trip schedules on Gilimanuk …
Officials from Denpasar Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) have explained the recent extreme heat in Bali. The Coordinator of Denpasar BMKG Data and Information III, Dwi Hartanto confirmed that the phenomenon was caused by the position of the sun in October and November. “The annual pseudo position of the sun on these days is directly …