A video of a man and his child stealing a cellphone from a local vendor in Tabanan has gone viral on social media. An official from Bengkel Village, I Nyoman Wahya Biantara, confirmed that a thief was captured stealing on a CCTV camera on Tuesday afternoon (21/12). The victim was a local vendor named Ni …
A 54-year-old man named I Putu Sada will potentially face five years of imprisonment for using a cellphone that he had found on the street. The Head of the Marga Police Department, AKP I Gede Budiarta, confirmed that the suspect was arrested for intentionally using a cellphone he found on the street without notifying the …
A 40-year-old man named I Nyoman Wiradarma will potentially face 20 years of imprisonment for drug trafficking in Bali. The Prosecutor, Siti Sawiyah, confirmed that Wiradarma would potentially face long jail time. He was working as a security guard and had gotten involved in a drug trafficking business in Bali. “In accordance to Article 114 …
Four motorbike riders with loud exhausts have been detained by authority from the Payangan police department. The Head of the Payangan Police Department, AKP I Putu Agus Ady Wijaya, confirmed that an officer detained a total of 4 motorbike riders. They violated traffic regulations by installing loud exhausts on their vehicles. An operation called Cipta …
An Instagram influencer named Sisca Mellyana was stalked by two local men while staying at a private villa in Ubud. The Head of the Ubud Police Department, AKP I Made Tama, confirmed that two local men were detained for attempting to stalk and peek at Mellyana on Thursday evening (9/12). According to their information, the …
A 31-year-old man named Rachmat Hidayat has been arrested for snatching a bag from a woman in Dalung, North Kuta. The Bali Criminal Investigation Bureau Director, Kombes Pol Ary Satriyan, confirmed that they arrested the suspect on Thursday (16/12) at 2:30 am from his place in Jalan Bung Tomo X, North Denpasar. He was brought …
Authorities from the Badung Police department have arrested an expat who had been growing cannabis at his villa in Bali. The Head of the Badung Police Department, AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes, confirmed that a Spanish national with the initials GASV was arrested for growing cannabis at a villa in Jalan Gang Rambutan Tibubeneng, North Kuta …
A man identified as Bagus Imam Aidin (aged 20) from Jember, East Java will potentially face a life sentence for drug trafficking in Bali. The Head of Intelligence from the Tabanan District Attorney, Pande Putu Wena Mahaputra, confirmed that Bagus would potentially face the maximum penalty for allegedly getting involved in drug trafficking in Bali. …
A 33-year-old Ukrainian woman, Baklanova Khrystyna has been arrested for skimming several ATMs in Bali. The Head of Bali Public Relations, Officer Kombes Pol Syamsi, confirmed that the suspect was arrested from a villa in Jalan Toya Ning II Uluwatu Arden, South Kuta on Wednesday evening (1/12) after skimming ATMs of a bank in Bali …
Authorities from the Badung Police Department in Bali have increased their surveillance on ATM machines to prevent criminal organizations from skimming bank cards. Badung Public Relations Officer, Iptu Ketut Sudana confirmed that despite successfully reducing the criminal activity in his area, authorities have still decided to increase their surveillance on several ATM machines across the …
35-year-old inmate, Putu Gede Sudiarsa could be facing more prison time for running a narcotics business from his prison cell. Criminal Attorney from Denpasar Legal Support, Aji Silaban who is defending the suspect confirmed that the Prosecutor is demanding 15 years of imprisonment on top of his current sentence. “The prosecutor demanded the Judge to …
A 24-year-old man named Komang Manik from Tianyar, Karangasem has been arrested after snatching a purse from a Canadian expat in Canggu. The local man was captured by the villagers after attempting to snatch a purse from a Canadian woman named Nicole (aged 22) in front of a café that is located on Jalan Batu …