Health officials in Bali have assembled a Task Force to prevent the spread of monkeypox to the Island of the Gods. The first known case of monkeypox was identified in a 27-year-old man in Jakarta over the weekend. It is believed the man contracted the virus after traveling aboard. In light of the development and …
Bali Police has launched an investigation into the death of a Peruvian woman just days after her arrest. The woman, known only by her initials VVRDP, died in Sanglah Hospital on the evening of Thursday 11th August. Due to the nature of the incident, Bali Police only publicly announced the case once the post-mortem results …
Bali Police have arrested an American school teacher at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. The 37-year-old, with initials JJB, was arrested for carrying marijuana vape e-liquid into Indonesia hidden in his camera case. During a press conference the Airport Police Chief AKBP Ida Ayu Wikarniti accompanied by the Head of Customs at Ngurah Rai, …
Officials in Bali have been quick to make improvements to tourist experiences after a series of inflammatory and baseless comments have been circulating online. Despite the lack of truth behind the comments, Bali officials have been proactive to ensure that the island’s image as a safe and comfortable destination for tourism remains intact. The first …
Bali’s Deputy Governor Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati, known locally as Cok Ace, has told reporters that he feels the central government should subsidize flight tickets for international travelers. His comments come as he was informed that flight tickets from Australia to tourism hotspots in Thailand are cheaper than tickets from Australia to Bali. He said …
Bali Airport has implemented screening measures to help halt the transmission of Monkey Pox. The virus has not been detected in Bali, but as cases slowly increase worldwide, authorities are keen to be proactive in halting any potential spread. The Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office, Dr. I Nyoman Gede Anom, confirmed to local …
The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has removed a total of eight major construction projects from the list of National Strategic Projects. One of these eight scrapped projects is the contentious North Bali Airport. Discussions about creating another international airport in Bali have been ongoing for years. A project was launched to get the North …
Pressure to ban Bali-Australia flights had been mounting in recent weeks due to the discovery of Foot and Mouth Disease in cattle on the island. An official proposal to ban flights had been submitted to the Australian government, but the decision has been made to keep flight routes open and increase bio-security measures. This is …
As Foot and Mouth Disease continues to spread across Indonesia, authorities in Australia are not taking any chances when it comes to bio-security. The federal government has launched a screening and prevention campaign to hopefully stop the disease from entering the country. According to widespread reports, if Food and Mouth Disease enters Australia the potential …
News of Foot and Mouth Disease being found present in cattle in Bali has become a source of serious concern for border authorities in Australia. Farmers around the country are urging travelers to take new bio-security measures seriously as the risks to the Australian agricultural sector are huge. The news is hitting the headlines of …
The Indonesian Narcotics Police in Bali are being kept busier than they would like in recent weeks with a series of serious drug busts and a fugitive kingpin still at large. Although some recent arrests are being considered unlinked, there has been an increase in drug-related arrests in the past few weeks. On Tuesday 28th …
The leading budget airline for South East Asia, AirAsia, has announced that it is resuming its Perth-Bali flight schedule. The airline is landing back in Western Australia for the first time since the pandemic began in 2020. The news comes just as the Australian winter holidays approach and searches for Bali hotels soar on online …