Indonesia’s Director General of Immigration, Silmy Karim, visited Bali this week.
The Head of the Immigration Office shared his insights on the ongoing situation regarding badly behaved tourists on the island.

Speaking to reporters, Karim stressed how important it is for all parties to continue to work together to promote high-quality tourism and attract well-behaved tourists to Bali.
He noted that educational and awareness campaigns, along with the existing cross-department efforts, are moving the needle on the issue.
Continued progress, he suggests, is in the coordination between the Department of Immigration, national government, provincial government, and even village-level governance on the island.
Karim shared his vision that with an increase in high-quality foreigners coming to Bali, more economic benefits will surely follow suit.
He wants to see tourism as a mechanism for positive social and economic change in Bali, not the other way around.
The Director General of Immigration also took the opportunity to call on local authorities in Bali to continue to refine their communication and cooperation in order to preempt and avoid any poor behavior by tourists. This, he says, can be achieved through greater supervision of tourists across the island.
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Director General Karim also gave his backing to village and regency-level authorities to hold foreigners who have been found to violate local rules and laws to account.
The Head of Indonesia’s Immigration Offices was in Bali to place the first stone at the construction site for the new Singaraja Immigration Office in North Bali.
There are around 2,500 foreigners living in the Singaraja catchment area who will be better served by the new facilities.
The Singaraja Immigration Offices are in charge of immigration matters for Buleleng Regency, Karangasem Regency, and Jimbaran Regency.
Director General Karim also revealed that Indonesia Immigration has created a database of badly behaved foreigners.
This database contains every violation by foreigners that has been formally reported and recorded.
He said that this database will be used to inform the decision-making process for if and when foreigners who have been found to break the law wish to re-enter the country, apply for residency permits or even try to set up businesses or make investments.
Director General Karim noted that not all the reported violation by foreigners in Bali are an immediate immigration issue. Nevertheless, his teams are on hand to provide support for other departments, such as the police or transportation offices, should they so need it.

He explained, “Not all of [violations] are immigration issues. There are issues of public order, traffic violations, and others. This must be coordinated. If you enter the immigration area, we will definitely take firm action,”
Data revealed by the Technology, Information, and Communication (TIKIM) office within the Department of Immigration show that over 4,000 formal reports were filed against foreigners in Bali during the first quarter of 2023.

The Head of TIKIM at the Ngurah Rai Immigration Office, Sandro Bobby Raymon Limbong, confirmed that 4,366 official complaints had been submitted to his teams between January and the end of April 2023. This resulted in 85 deportations.
Limbong reiterated that there are many ways in which residents or concerned tourists can report their observations to the authorities.
Officials across Indonesia, especially in Bali, have been keen to establish a ‘no wrong door’ style system for people to file reports of badly behaved tourists.

This harks back to Director General Karim’s call for a synergistic approach to ensuring high-quality tourism prevails in Bali.
Earlier in the year, many local residents, tired of feeling like their calls for support were being ignored by authorities, took to posting videos of foreigners behaving badly.
These kinds of ‘caught in the act’ videos went viral time and time again, a move that many people felt was worth the risk of tarnishing Bali’s public image in order to create progress.
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J West
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
A sudden reduction in "bad behaviour". It's a miracle. It's just like the elimination of Covid case numbers when governments stopped tracking, reporting and treating. The number went to zero....etc voila. Funny how that works .
Sunday 23rd of July 2023
@J West, Lmao,so very true.
Wayan Bo
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
@J West, “statistic” matter, today not sick on Covid directly but indirectly, so “far” indirectly that Covid isn’t even mentioned. - Only in Italy those days anywhere around 13k fatalities because of heat wave, but nearly nobody mentioned it. - Is anybody reporting how many fatalities each day cause war in southern Russia. - In Germany one kWh is priced with € 0.50 (perhaps the worlds most expensive electricity) therefore air conditioner are rare in Germany like Rolls Royce’s in Bali, numbers of heat fatalities are still unknown.
Friday 21st of July 2023
Why not report on actual crime statistics involving foreigners to see if anything has improved -- instead of subjective "I do not like how foreigners behave" statistics.
Bob Down
Friday 21st of July 2023
Now, if you could only improve (crack down on) the behaviour of the gangs in Kuta and Legian people might actually start returning to those areas in numbers similar to pre covid years. I suppose that's a local police matter and after dealing with both the good and bad side of those gentlemen I wonder if it'll happen. The locals I speak to are sick of it and just want to be able to live and earn without the added hassle in their lives.
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
@Bob Down, Yepp, preman charging "protection" money from any business. Then the preman pay off police and local leaders taking their cut as well. It is easier to get rid of herpes.
Friday 21st of July 2023
Now if only Native behavior would improve, Bali would actually be a pleasant place to visit!
Wednesday 26th of July 2023
@Firechef, Perceived economic, social and attitudinal behaviour is still colonialism.
Wednesday 26th of July 2023
@Firechef, Did it occur to you it's their country?
Wednesday 26th of July 2023
@Shorty, PS. I act and behave as a local. I share their broader concerns and only enter into discussion when I'm invited or asked what I think. Do I have some suggestions that may help? If I do, I pass it over then leave it to them to follow up. I don't want any acknowledgement of the help. Broadcasting it to bules and expats is just ego. Amongst locals it's just what you do without expectation of reward or acknowledgement of any kind. Quite the opposite. The desire to learn, experience, share comes 10 fold back to me from them. So there's a lot of religious holidays. Perhaps you're forgetting the most important thing about Pulau Dewata. The people who are intrinsically tied to it.
Tuesday 25th of July 2023
@Firechef, Stop talking out your a*se. You and no one else have no idea of my financial situation or the assistance, financial and otherwise I contribute. And I'll keep it that way. Lazy? Bull$hit. Religious Holidays? An equitable lifestyle balance. It's sad some of it hasn't rubbed off onto you instead of continually complaining, whingeing......
Sunday 23rd of July 2023
@Shorty, Some people are looking for other places to stay, be it fleeing Russia/Ukraine or getting away from unfavorable situations in the West. Obviously Bali has a ton of problems and the point of talking about it is if those problems were worked on, Bali would become a more desirable place to be. But you're right as of now, seems the island of Bali only suits self-centered narcissists glued to their phones all day who will come in, spend money and cause a ruckus, then leave. And that's what Bali seems to advertise for and want.
Wayan Bo
Friday 21st of July 2023
A few decades ago tourists in Bali was mostly international deluxe cosmopolitan class, today nearly only suppressed backpackers.
Wayan Bo
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
@Shorty, sure it seems that times are coming in which some would prefer even to pay for not to travel.
Wayan Bo
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
@Exp, … and then there was a big lottery win that replaced the birth with golden spoon in the mouth. Cheers enjoy - But be careful and take care, can see what jealous people are doing to Trump.
Wayan Bo
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
@J West, there is also another possibility, not to cut hair and look like Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin 🤣
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
@Wayan Bo, Bull$hit. Go back and look at tourist breakdown from whenever.
J West
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
@Wayan Bo, Today you can get your hair cut in Russian.Thats quite Cosmo ... Isn't it?