There has been a discourse from the Ministry of Health to hold back the opening of the full Bali borders until 2022 for foreign tourists. Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travels Agencies (ASITA) has criticized the Health Minister’s plan saying it would be detrimental to the economy to postpone the reopening.

The Head of Regional ASITA Representatives for Bali, I Putu Winastra said that this scheme will bring the economy to fall into a deeper crisis.
“It’s impossible to be implemented. Besides, that scheme was just a request from the Health Minister, and I think other Ministers like the Tourism Minister have a different solution to solve this problem,” Winastra said on Saturday (13/3).
He also explained that the majority of businesses in Bali have closed their operation since the pandemic struck and have no source of income.

“The impact of this pandemic to Bali within a year is already destructive, and if the border remains closed for another year, it will definitely kill more businesses and the situation will be even worse, especially since the soft loan program has not been realized by the central government” Winastra concluded.
He urged the government to open the travel bubble with the selected countries when most of the people in Bali including tourism workers are vaccinated.

He explained that the vaccination program for tourism workers is expected to finish at the end of April 2021, so the central government can consider reopening the border in the near future as international visitors will feel safer with the progress of the vaccine rollout.

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Tom Scott
Monday 15th of March 2021
Very simple, Bali should let tourists in that have been fully vaccinated and have a negative test before they travel and also test negative after arriving. If that criteria is met not much more a country can do. If they keep this lockdown for another year guarantee more people will die from starvation and suicide than Covid.
J West
Sunday 14th of March 2021
Suggestion. For all those who sit on billions from the tourist trade of the past twenty five years. It's time to give back to the community in order to have a future. You didn't earn your billions by the sweat of your brow, it fell from the sky. Easy come, easy go, as is said. Save Bali now or the cash flow you so desperately want will continue to elude you.
Monday 15th of March 2021
@J West, what a comment. I respect you
Sunday 14th of March 2021
If Australia ends up 100% immunized you'd be fools to not let us come back over as soon as possible.
richard ham
Sunday 14th of March 2021
they will open the borders to tourists but none will come from Australia until there is travel insurance ,no quarantine on return to Australia, bali is fully vacinated and and bali infections come down virtually zero as Australia is now. maybe 2023.
James M Schiefferle Jr
Monday 15th of March 2021
@richard ham, if anyone says anything other than open all now! Kill em
Monday 15th of March 2021
@richard ham, So,your wish is everyone must be sentenced to death with a vaccine before the Australians return.
Antony bevan
Sunday 14th of March 2021
It's really easy no vaccine your not allowed in to bali... Bali is a island testing is vital before letting any one in The government must help the locals and businesses
James M Schiefferle Jr
Monday 15th of March 2021
@Antony bevan, go into ocean until you tire and drown
James M Schiefferle Jr
Monday 15th of March 2021
@Antony bevan,
Monday 15th of March 2021
@Antony bevan, It would be imminently safer to test negative upon entry,have another test 7-10 days later and help BALI recover now.