The Badung Regency Government through the Badung COVID-19 Task Force is targeting to complete the vaccination for health workers this month. The second phase of vaccination will consist of government officials and senior residents over 60 years of age, and the third stage is expected to begin in August, rolling out vaccines to all residents in the region.

The Head of Badung Health Agency, Dr. I Nyoman Gunarta explained that from total of 6,533 medical workers in the Badung district, 5,550 or 84.95 % have been vaccinated.
Of the remainder, 331 were not qualified to receive the vaccine due to congenital disease, and the rest will be scheduled to receive it before the end of the month.

The second phase of vaccine distribution will be targeted towards government officials and the elderly.
“When we finish with medical workers, people from several government institutions including Police, Military, teachers, government official, and elderly people will be scheduled to receive the vaccine as the second stage of the vaccination program in Badung,” Gunarta said on Sunday (14/2).
He later explained that stage two of vaccination is expected to be complete by July 2021.

Conclusively, most Bali residents would receive the vaccine around August of this year.
Meanwhile, the accumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sunday (14/2) are 5,667 cases, with 5,122 recoveries.
“We still need to be alert as most people haven’t received the vaccine, so prevention protocols such as mask-wearing and physical distancing have to be enforced in all areas,” Dr. Gunarta concluded.

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Alan Barclay
Friday 19th of February 2021
as a bali resident on a retirement kitas, and 70 years old, will i get the vaccine before august or even after it, or is the vaccine just for indonesian citizens, or even can i pay for it
Wayan Bo
Tuesday 16th of February 2021
Now there are no vaccine that is allowed for people under 18 years of age, it's to be hopped that this problem will be solved by scientists as soon as possible.
Wayan Bo
Tuesday 16th of February 2021
It's to be expected that also after vaccination hygienic protocol and wearing masks will be necessary. Depend of vaccine, there are almost between 65% to 95% effective, immunization duration can be 7 to 10 months, a year and perhaps two years or longer. In case of future virus mutations maybe vaccine upgrade will be recommended. By South African mutation, scientists are not sure yet if current vaccines are effective or not. Be and stay healthy.
larry franklin
Tuesday 16th of February 2021
I hope you get your vaccine soon, a real shame that your government wasn't transparent from the beginning. So many lies. A real shame that they make there people suffer so much!