A 23-year-old police officer named Bripda Pande MRMK has been arrested by officers from Tabanan Police Department for stealing jewelry on Sunday (7/3). Although he managed to escape due to his knowledge of the police cell, he was again captured and is now being detained.

The Head of Tabanan Criminal Investigation Bureau, AKP Aji Yoga Sekar said that officers began their investigation after receiving a report from a jewelry shop at Tabanan Market regarding theft on Sunday morning.
“The perpetrator was caught by people before the police arrived at the location, so we immediately came to the scene and took him to the police station for further investigation,” AKP Sekar said.

However, the suspect managed to escape from the police station. “He managed to run away because he knows this place very well and he took advantage of that,” AKP Sekar added.
After realizing that the suspect was gone, Sekar deployed a team to locate the suspect.
“We finally found him in his hometown in Busung Biu, Buleleng on Sunday evening. He was arrested along with evidence including three rings that he stole from the jewelry shop” AKP Sekar concluded.

He explained that after the suspect escaped from the police station, he walked to the nearby bus station headed to Buleleng. Officers were tailgating him and arrested him at his house.
Bripka Pande is now being detained inside Tabanan Police Department cell for further investigation

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Wayan Bo
Tuesday 9th of March 2021
Don't allow him to take care of Cartier boutique.
Monday 8th of March 2021