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Bali Officials Warn Vaccinated Individuals Must Continue Following Health Protocols

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As the distribution of vaccines begins, Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force alerts the public to continue following all protocols even after they have been vaccinated.

Bali locals mask

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

According to the Spokesperson of the Denpasar Task Force, I Dewa Gede Rai, by no means does vaccination exempt one from protocols.

He reminds the public that the most effective method to prevent virus transmission is by strictly following health protocols such as wearing masks, social distancing and sanitizing.

Meanwhile, active COVID-19 cases in Denpasar continue to rise.

Isolation rooms in Wangaya Hospital are currently 70 percent occupied.

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

“We need to be more alert in stopping the spread of the virus,” said Gede Rai on Tuesday (5/1).

Rai and the Task Force continue their efforts to reduce transmission in Denpasar.

They have been consistent in educating residents through loudspeakers while patrolling, disinfecting public areas and conducting road operations to verify that everyone is wearing a mask.

He also advised residents to minimize contact with family as transmission is often linked to large family gatherings.

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

According to data provided by the Task Force on Monday (4/1), 46 new cases were identified in Bali Province, 64 patients recovered and a 56-year-old man from Pemogan, Denpasar passed away on Jan 4/21 after testing positive with COVID-19 on Dec 27/20.

“I especially urge elderly and those considered vulnerable to be more careful while interacting with others to reduce the death rate from COVID-19 in Denpasar” Dewa Rai concluded. 

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

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