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Bali Hospital Almost At Capacity As Cases Continue To Surge

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The Sanglah hospital in Bali is almost at capacity as the number of positive Covid-19 continues to surge.

On Thursday 2 more people in Bali died from the virus bringing the total of number of deaths to 11. 

Another 56 cases were confirmed bringing the islands number of positive cases to 1214.

sanglah hospital bali

Sanglah hospital currently has 70 isolation beds for covid-19 patients and 62 of them are already occupied. With the surging number of cases due to local transmission ,a health care crisis could be looming if the numbers continue to grow.

Experts have yet to release any modeling for when a peak will occur in Bali. 

Sanglah General Hospital in Denpasar

The government has been converting hotels into isolation rooms as the number of positive cases is expected to grow. 

Dewa Kresna, Public Relations of Sanglah General Hospital said that based on data from Wednesday (6/24), the number of Covid-19 patients being treated was 63.

“At Sanglah hospital we are treating 62 patients. In the Nusa Indah room there are 18 patients, in Mawar there are 14 patients, the Cambodia room has 6 patients and the Lely room has 24 patients,” Dewa Kresna said, Thursday (6/25).

covid19 bali

Today it was also revealed by the head of the Bali health agency that 64 healthcare have been infected with Covid-19 after being exposed while handling patients who initially came in with different concerns.  

doctors treat covid

Last week the Bali Governor announced a tentative timeline to start relaxing restrictions and begin local tourism by August.

The Governor did emphasize that the plan will depend on the rate of transmission. 

“Whether or not this is carried out will greatly depend on the situation and the dynamics of the development of Covid-19 in the field, especially local transmission in Bali.” Koster added.

Governor Wayan Koster

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