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Bali Governor Begins Reopening Tourist Attractions And Shopping Malls

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   Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster has started to reopen tourist attractions and shopping malls with strict prevention protocols in place.

Despite all the restriction policies during the extended partial lockdown in Bali, Koster has decided to give some leniency by reopening some public areas such as shopping malls and tourist attractions on the island with several requirements during their operation. “Shopping malls are allowed to start operating with only 50% of their capacity and are required to close their operation by 9:00pm.” Koster said on Tuesday (7/9).

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

 Apart from that, visitors are required to show the proof of their Covid-19 vaccination by scanning the barcode with an app called PeduliLindungi before entering the facilities as part of the screening process. “Visitors must complete the second dose of their Covid-19 vaccination in order to gain access to these public facilities.” Koster added. Residents with a higher risk of getting transmitted by the virus such as pregnant women, senior citizens over the age of 70 and children under 12 years old are still banned from entering the facilities.

Dine-in services at restaurants inside the shopping mall are only allowed to operate with 25% of their maximum capacity. “Apart from shopping malls, tourist attractions are also allowed to operate with 50% of their total capacity to prevent Covid-19 transmissions in Bali from surging. We must prioritize the health and safety measures during hours of operation.” Koster concluded.

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

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Zainal Iskandar

Friday 10th of September 2021

Looking forward to more opening of businesses in Bali.


Friday 10th of September 2021

You could be anywhere in the world and the same rules could apply. Vaccinated customers would be allowed in at a minimal capacity. Nevertheless outdoor dining or take out is still a better option.


Saturday 18th of September 2021

@Bali Traveller, fair enough. No hard feelings. People worldwide are somewhat against digital vaccination app because it may be a breach of privacy. Our privacy rights and our freedom may well be of the past.

The local digital vaccination app from what I hear also records your visits to an establishment ( time and date) and a tracing method should you or others have been exposed to covid while visiting a facility. The app also trace people who have been tested positive that require to stay isolated and not exposing others in public. There are taking this digital app very seriously in Indonesia. Living with covid responsibly.

Bali Traveller

Thursday 16th of September 2021

@Randy, I dont wanna comment or judge what is right or whats wrong, what we or our countries should do. But its clear that allowing to enter shopping malls only for vacced people is not whats happening everywhere. Sure every country can do whatever they want and introduce any restrictions they want. But reality is, not every country goes the same road as Souteastasia does. Especially in Europe and in West Asia, but also in most LatinAmerica Countries, entering a country is allowed without vacc or quarantine, and entering a shop also does not require the same. Every country has some restrictions. But there are plenty of countries that require Tests instead of vaccpassports. There is not really a scientific proof that one specific method or strictness is the only right one. Its true, in turkey after my holiday there, restrictions became also more strict. Sure you can still enter and travel unvacced, like in most countries. No judging, only writing whats the situation worldwide. I recommend travelling east european countries, as life there is almost undisturbed by restrictions.


Wednesday 15th of September 2021

@Bali Traveller, hey I am not in Bali either. At least in Southeast Asia, each Asean nation understands that the key is vaccination, mask wearing and social distancing. Science does work. This could be the new normal like it or not.

I have lived in Europe before. I traveled to Europe often pre-pandemic period. My European friends are vaccinated and are responsible individuals. Sweden is an exception with their unorthodox approach to covid-19 than the rest of Europe. A couple of Turkish friends are aware that vaccination can be important despite some major local protest againt vaccine and mask wearing mandates.

You are asking others to remain tolerant to those who does not believe in science and those who think that some countries have declared the pandemic over.

Well if you aren't moved to get vaccinated by the humanitarian argument, you should consider the self-interest one if billions of people are not vaccinated, the virus will mutate into something more infectious and deadly.

Besides our differences, have you ever taken the flu shot each year for the winter flu season?

Bali Traveller

Monday 13th of September 2021

@Randy, hello, actually in Turkey there are restrictions, but they dont affect life as it does in Southeastasia. Local small businesses are not forced to bankrupt. No vacc needed, masks are not forced to wear in public. Why should it be irresponsible to party or to be a tourist? Stay real, in many countries in europe there are not hard restrictions, if any. Some countries have already declared the pandemic as finished. Sweden had never real restrictions. Everyone is alive ;-) Im from europe, and travelling is almost normal, in public (open air)no one wears a mask in some counrties also not indoor. Right now i am not in Bali, as i am not ready to vacc and wear mask all day. As soon as the restrictions are lifted, I will be back. Just remain tolerant please, not all regions in the world go the same way. Sure if i would be in bali, i would follow all rules. In turkey, you can party, so why should i not?


Sunday 12th of September 2021

@Bali Traveller, everywhere = all places; anywhere = one or more places.

So I wrote you COULD be (modal verb: a possibility) anywhere ( one or a few places) in the world.

That's all.

Wayan Bo

Thursday 9th of September 2021

Shopping malls in S’pore remains in the first place all others are more or less copy’s only. In today’s times where most shopping is through web mainly by Amazon, eBay, AliExpress and other‘s , shopping malls belongs to the past.


Saturday 11th of September 2021

@Wayan Bo, Younger and fit people still flock into the malls. Its a social gathering space to see and be seen.

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