Every day, Tabanan’s Kediri Police trucks patrol the district to enforce safety protocols while blasting reminders through the loudspeaker. The daily task was approached differently on Thursday (4/2), as officers distributed free fresh vegetables to village residents during their patrol.
The initiative was made to help residents and local farmers during this time.

The back of the patrol truck was modified by adding a roof cover as the truck was used to carry a number of agricultural produce from Baturiti farmers.
Residents were given fresh produce while being educated on health and safety compliance.
The Head of Kediri Police Department said that the program was initiated after officers witnessed residents struggling financially after losing their jobs due to the pandemic.

“Working every day in the field gives us a direct insight into the condition of the community. We want to help residents, but without reducing discipline and reinforcement of health protocols. So we discussed with the team and came up with the idea to enforce the rules while providing assistance to the community,” said Kompol Fachmi Hamdani.

“We also want to help our local farmers in Baturiti, especially now as vegetables are being harvested, but not sold. Since many hotels and restaurants lost business or completely shut down, they stopped buying produce from farmers,” Hamdani concluded.
Officers distributed at least 26 packages of vegetables in Buwit Village, Kediri, while providing free masks to by-passers at the same time.

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