Indonesia’s Deputy Minister for Tourism and Creative Economies, Angela Tanoesoedibjo, visited Bali this week for a press tour and to check in on preparations for the G20 Summit in November. The 2-day conference will see heads of state, industry leaders, and their delegations head to Bali to discuss how the trade block can ‘recover together, …
The Bali Sun
Community leaders at Tulamben Beach have implemented new rules to help protect the coastline’s exceptional biodiversity. Tulamben Beach is loved by locals and tourists for its world-class diving. The community has implemented restrictions on fishing in the waters off Tulamben Beach to help preserve the coral reefs and the fish stocks in the area. The …
Bali’s Covid-19 Task Force has announced a slight increase in positive cases in Bali over the course of this week. Speaking to local news outlets the Covid-19 Task Force announced that in the last three days, since Tuesday 21st June, there as been over 100 confirmed new cases of Covid-19 in the Canggu area. The …
The Annual Southeast Asia Forum on Sustainable Capture Fisheries was held in Nusa Dua from 22-23rd June. The conference was attended by industry leaders and the focus of the meeting is to discuss trends that influence the global demand for fish. This year’s conference also had a strong focus on what can be done to …
Traffic police in Bali have launched a two-week-long operation to improve awareness of road safety. The operation, launched by Tabanan Regency Police, will run from the 13th of June to the 26th of June and focuses specifically on moped drivers. Over the course of the first 9-days of the campaign, Tabanan Police ticketed 144 people …
Bali is famous for its pristine white sandy beaches, and while the majority of holidaymakers to Bali stick to the coastlines, the island has so much more to offer. From cultural villages to stunning natural landscapes to adventurous hikes, ATVs, and zip lines, Bali caters to every kind of traveler. Although Bali has welcomed over …
The debate as to whether Bali is considered the tourism capital of Indonesia has continued this week as the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, addressed the country about his tourism targets and vision for the sector’s economic recovery. Indonesia’s Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, has made a statement of support for …
As the number of international arrivals in Bali steadily increases, the tourism sector is keeping a close eye on every last detail of the island’s recovery to ensure that the industry bounces back efficiently. Speaking at a press conference held by Indonesia’s Minster Tourism and Creative Economies on Monday, the director of Bali tourism also …
A polish man who has served 3-years in a Bali prison after being found guilty of skimming ATM machines has been deported. Gawel Amdeusz Wojcik, 38, served his 3-year sentence at Singaraja Class II B Penitentiary. In accordance with his sentencing, Wojcik has been deported to Poland immediately after his release. Wojcik was found guilty …
A high school student in Bali has been caught on CCTV stealing money from a temple donation box. The 16-year-old female student, who is being reported in local media by her initials ESP, was caught on CCTV on Tuesday 21st June. ESP was caught stealing the sesari (donation box) at Dalem Telepud Temple, Tegalalang District, …
A young British couple remains in intensive care in Bali after a serious bike collision on Sunday 12th June. Initial reports from Bali-based news outlets suggested that the couple were knocked unconscious on impact after swerving to avoid a moped turning on the road ahead and both rolled beneath an on-coming car. Reports in UK …
Indonesia’s Minister for Tourism and Creative Economies, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, has announced tourism targets for the second half of 2022. Minister Uno is committed to ensuring that Bali’s tourism economy bounces back as soon as possible by utilizing entrepreneurial spirit and streamlining promotional budgets. Speaking at a press conference on Monday 20th June, Minister Uno …