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Bali Immigration Reiterate Warnings Over Visa Violations

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The Directorate General of Immigration of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights has reiterated the need for foreigners and tourists in Bali and around the country to obey the laws and their visa conditions.

The statements come as three foreigners have been arrested in connection with a drugs lab in Canggu. 

Busy Beach in Bali with Tourists.jpg

The Director of Immigration Supervision and Enforcement, Saffar Muhammad Godam, confirmed to reporters that every foreigner who is in Indonesian territory is required to have a valid immigration residence permit that is still valid.

In Indonesia, the term ‘immigration residence permit’ is used to refer to any kind of visa, not only temporary residence visas. 

Godam reiterated that one of the important conditions for foreigners obtaining a residence permit visa, whether a tourist visa or any other kind of visa, is that they must behave well and not violate the laws and regulations.

Godam went on to explain that the rules regarding cancellation of residence permits have been regulated in Article 139, Article 140, and Article 141 of the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Permenkumham) Number 22 of 2023 concerning Visas and Residence Permits.

Immigration officials have every right to cancel a foreigner’s visa if they are found to have broken the law in small or big ways. Though it is unlikely, tourists must be aware that even the smallest violation could result in deportation.

Godam explained how if foreigners are found guilty of a crime in Indonesia, Bali included, and are sentenced to prison time, they have their visas automatically revoked, meaning that when they are released from prison, they must be handed over to Immigration authorities for further detention pending deportation. 

This, aside from the longstanding legal implications of having been found to be a convicted criminal in Indonesia, makes it even more difficult for foreigners to return home.

Godam explained, “If foreign prisoners receive an external detention policy, for example, conditional release, they are guaranteed and supervised by the Directorate General of Corrections, in this case, the Correctional Center.”

He added, “Foreigners with the status of ex-convicts will be handed over to the immigration office after completing their sentence as proven by a letter of release from prison to await the deportation process.”

Tourists in Bali are constantly reminded to honor the rules and regulations of Indonesian law and obey the rules of their visa.

The Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration have recently launched a whole new range of visas for foreigners who wish to reside in Bali on a long term but temporary basis. 


Digital nomads should be extra mindful of the work and business activities they take part in during their time in Indonesia.

Digital nomads residing in Bali on tourist visas on arrival or longer stay socio-cultural visas like those in the D1 and D2 category should not generate any income from work or business activities that have taken place in Indonesia, though working exclusively online for companies and businesses outside of Indonesia is OK. 


Foreigners on pre-investment visas, which have been commandeered by some as a way to stay in Indonesia for up to a year without having to renew a visa, should also be mindful to adhere to the conditions of the residency permit.

Pre-investment visas allow foreigners to conduct tourism and socio-cultural activities, hold business meetings, and conduct activities that are connected to making investments.

Pre-investment visa holders are not permitted to work, and business activities are strictly limited.


Those wishing to live and work in Bali long term should explore the full range of visa options available to them and not simply apply for the visa that appears to be most easy to obtain.

Officials in Bali and across Indonesia are getting increasingly hot on ensuring that foreigners are residing in the country only to conduct the activities as stipulated on their visas. 

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Tuesday 28th of May 2024

Entitled foreign residents doing entitled god knows what and think that their laws would somehow protect them in a foreign soil. It does not work that way...a visa is a privilege and NOT a right. It’s time to restrict entry and impose visas to certain nations with a track record of some undesirable citizens violating rules in a foreign country. It’s NOT rocket science. Other developed countries are implementing such measures and why that a few emerging nations in this day and age cannot even use that mentality for the sake of national security. It’s money more important than risking their own safety, rating and security of its own citizens. Wake up!!!

Neil gill

Thursday 23rd of May 2024

Head the largest task force you have ever had to chuggu and if you have Anything available take your crew to Ubud the lovely place in Bali what a joke and you are letting it happen..


Sunday 26th of May 2024

@J West, Mark my words: Zero chance for any audit as dragnet will likely catch fish that are not of Russian or Ukraine nationality.

J West

Saturday 25th of May 2024

@Neil gill, “Shutting the barn door after the horse has already bolted” comes to mind.

A forensic bank account and general wealth audit and “proof of origin” of all cash and material holdings by government and police officials might prove useful in rooting out immigration fraud.

One audit case in Thailand, after a rogue police official with the moniker of “ Joe Ferrari” who murdered a prisoner during an interrogation found that this one fellow own a dozen Ferraris and several luxury homes exposed the type of silent corruption that exists among the bureaucrat class. How many “ Joe Ferraris” are there in Bali?

Meanwhile, the Russian mafia drug rings continue to market poisonous drugs to Balis school children.