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Schools In Bali Resume In-Person Learning Under New Prevention Protocols

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Bangli District in Bali has started the new year by reopening schools to operate under strict prevention measures.

On Monday (4/1), students lined up at school entrances in Bangli, receiving temperature checks upon entry.

The operation was supervised by police and military officers.

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According to the Education Agency, in-person learning at schools can resume based on the latest decree from the Governor: Number 443/5298/disdikpora about school operation in 2020/2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Education and Sport Agency (Disdikpora) has inspected all schools in Bangli.

They also have issued technical guidelines for operating the schools based on the government’s regulation standard.

back to school

Four official authorities signed the Joint Decree on School Operation Guidelines during the pandemic: Education Ministry, Religious Affairs Ministry, Health Ministry and Home Affairs Ministry,

There are several Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) that have been implemented.

-Parents of students must sign an agreement authorizing their children to join classes under revised health and safety protocols

-School operations will be supervised by government officials

-In the case a student is tested positive with COVID-19, the school will shut down and revert to online teaching

The Head of Bangli/1626 Military Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Inf. I Gede Putu Suardana deployed units to monitor school operations from the beginning until the end of the school day to assure implementation of the protocol is strictly enforced.

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

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