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A 37-year-old man named Riandi Efendi from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara has been arrested for extorting visitors on Kuta Beach. The Head of Kuta Police Department, Kompol I Nyoman Gatra confirmed that the man who has been staying on Jalan Bhineka Jatijaya was arrested on Friday (30/4). When the suspect was arrested, he admitted that …

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The Water Transportation Business Association (Gapasdap) has predicted that they could potentially lose millions of dollars from the upcoming travel ban policy. The Head of Padangbai Gapasdap, Anang Heru said that the water transportation business has to face another challenge due to the travel ban policy that will be implemented during the Eid Al-Fitr Celebration …

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Bali police suspect a case of insurance fraud after a 48-year-old woman named Secil Avunya from Turkey claims to have lost thousands of dollars from a safe deposit box in Bali. Secil explained that the incident occurred at a villa where she previously stayed that located in Antap Village, Selemadeg Tabanan. The Head of Selemadeg …

Read More about Turkish National Allegedly Files False Report For Insurance Scam

Badung Officials have threatened to penalize the grocery store for inadvertently allowing expats who painted a mask on her face to enter their supermarket. The Deputy Chief of Badung Regent, I Ketut Suiasa has recently invited the management of Pupolar Supermarket on Thursday (22/4) as a response to the video of an expat who managed …

Read More about Bali Officials May Penalize Grocery Store For Being Tricked By Expat With Painted Face Mask

The Indonesian Tourism Minister, Sandiaga Uno has confirmed that the reopening of the international travel corridor is on track amid the surge of Covid-19 cases in Bali recently. Recently, officials from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force explained that the majority of the regions in Bali have turned back into red zone areas as Covid transmissions …

Read More about Tourism Minister Reassures Bali Reopening Plan Is Still On Track

A 62-year-old man named Purwadi from Banyuwangi, East Java has been arrested after breaking into a villa in Pererenan, Canggu. The Head of Mengwi Criminal Investigation Bureau, Iptu I Ketut Wiwin Wirahadi said that the suspect was arrested by Mengwi Police Department at his parent’s house in Singotrunan Village Banyuwangi, East Java on Tuesday (30/3). …

Read More about A Man Was Arrested After Breaking Into An Expats Villa

The Bali Provincial government has started to prepare several hotels that will be used as quarantine facilities for international visitors when the border reopens. Bali Vice Governor, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) said that he has been communicating with several institutions such as the Immigration office and the Health Agency to appoint several …

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A laundry business that is owned by a 43-year-old woman named Ni Nyoman AA and her husband in Mengwi has been robbed and her husband has also just died from Covid-19. The Head of Badung Public Relation Police Officer, Iptu Oka Bawa said that the incident occurred on Tuesday (23/3) at a laundry shop located …

Read More about Bali Shop Robbed On The Same Day The Owner Died From Covid-19

The Indonesian Tourism Minister, Sandiaga Uno has said that the discussion about reopening the international travel corridor is on the final stage. Sandiaga said that the government plans to implement a 2 days quarantine upon arrival for every international traveler who visits the island when the border reopens. “We plan to revise some of the …

Read More about Bali Government Plans To Implement 2 Day Quarantine For International Visitors

A 20-year-old man named Ilias Danimil Saif (a.k.a Rehman) from Bulgaria has been arrested for breaking and skimming ATMs in Bali. The Director of Criminal Investigation Bureau from Bali Police Department, Kombes Pol Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro said that the suspect was finally arrested at Rose Guest House that is located on Jalan Batu Bolong, Canggu …

Read More about Police Arrest Bulgarian National For Breaking Into ATMs in Bali

The Central Government has stated that the new long term visitor visa is currently in the final stages of preparation. The Maritime and Investment Coordinator Minister, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that the central government plans to create a new regulation called the “Long Term Visa” which would allow foreign nationals to be able to stay …

Read More about The New Bali 5 Year Visa In Final Stages of Preparation

The Bali Tourism Ministry has explained that it is taking into account several considerations in preparation of reopening the travel corridor with select countries, The travel corridor is expect to be finalized and open by June-July 2021. The Deputy Chief of Tourism Minister, Angela Tanoesoedibjo said that central government needs to consider these points before …

Read More about Bali Government Says Travel Corridor Will Open By June Or July