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New Activities Bring More Tourists To Bali’s Denpasar 

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With Bali a destination best known for its blissful beaches and vibrant jungles, many tourists overlook the provincial capital of Denpasar.

Home to a wealth of historical gems, thrumming music, a coffee scene, and great shopping, Denpasar is a vibe!

Horse and cart in Denpasar Bali

Last month, the Denpasar City Tourism Office launched a free horse-drawn carriage service for tourists.

The local government has confirmed that since the launch of the program on the 3rd of February, over 1,000 tourists, both domestic and international, have hitched a free ride around the capital’s tourism hotspots. 

@cheapesttours A Journey to Bajra Sandhi Monument in Denpasar, Bali #bajrasandhi #bajrasandhimonument #bali #indonesia ♬ original sound – Bali Insider's Guide – Bali Cheapest Tours

Speaking to reporters, the Head of the Denpasar City Tourism Office, Ni Luh Putu Riyastiti, said, “This free float service is one of the City Government’s efforts to in Denpasar to preserve tractional modes of transpiration typical to Denpasar City.”

Once upon a time, it was incredibly common for horses and carts to transport both goods and people throughout Bali before cars and motorcycles became the norm. But as Denpasar is now a buzzing metropolis, some tourists have voiced welfare concerns for the horses.

Especially since animal welfare organizations have conducted extensive investigations and found there to be no ethical animal tourism operations in Bali.

Many tourists are shocked by the condition of the horses used for tourist taxis on the Gili Islands and hope that the same fate won’t affect the horses in Denpasar. 

@ngurahsuryakusuma Sebagai ibu kota provinsi Bali, Denpasar memiliki banyak objek wisata buatan yang indah dan menarik untuk dikunjungi. Salah satu objek wisata tersebut ialah Patung Titi Banda yang kemudian menjadi salah satu ikon Kota Denpasar. Patung yang diresmikan oleh Walikota Denpasar pada Desember 2014 itu terletak di tengah-tengah pertigaan Jalan By Pass Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra jalan By Pass I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Dengan peletakan yang sangat strategis itu membuat Patung Titi Banda sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat yang melintasi jalan tersebut. Kendati sering dilewati, masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahui makna atau filosofis dari patung ini. Patung Titi Banda menggambarkan cerita dari epos Ramayana.  Tepatnya perjalanan Sang Rama untuk membangun sebuah jembatan di tengah samudera, untuk membebaskan istrinya, Dewi Shinta dari kurungan Rahawana, Raja Alengka Pura.  Dimana Sang Rama berdiri gagah membawa busur panah, yang tingginya sekitar 10 meter, dengan sejumlah patung kera atau monyet yang setia mengabdi kepada Sang Rama untuk membangun Jembatan Titi Banda.  Filosofinya mengandung makna kerjasama dan kegotong-royongan. Tercermin bagaimana abdi-abdi masyarakat bahu membahu mewujudkan pembangunan Bali dengan seorang pimpinan bijak yang mampu mengarahkan dan mengayomi rakyatnya dengan baik. Patung Titi Banda menjadi stop view yang istimewa bagi pengguna jalan yang datang dari arah Selatan dan Timur Kota Denpasar. Apalagi jika malam hari, keindahannya semakin mempesona. #PatungTitiBanda #TitiBanda #Bali ♬ – Ngurah Surya Kusuma

Riyastiti told reporters, “With this free decorated cart, we can maintain the health of the horses through regular inspections carried out by the Denpasar City Agriculture Service and help the cart drivers earn an income.”

The shuttle service is free for tourists to use, though they are welcome to tip their driver. Cart drivers will receive an income of IDR 350,000 per day from the Denpasar City Government for their services. 

The free car service operates in Depasar’s Heritage Zone every Saturday and Sunday between 9 am and 4 pm. There are just eight horses and carts available at two meeting points.

The first meeting point is at Tegal Terminal on Jalan Imam Bonjol, and the second is at Jalan Sulawesi Utara.

@cheapesttours A Journey to Bajra Sandhi Monument in Denpasar, Bali #bajrasandhi #bajrasandhimonument #bali #indonesia ♬ original sound – Bali Insider's Guide – Bali Cheapest Tours

The horse and cart shuttle operates across two routes, each taking approximately 30 minutes. Each horse and car can take two adults or two adults and one young child.

In order to book a horse and cart ride, tourists must arrive at their chosen meeting point, fill in a form, and, provided there is a cart ready to go, proceed with the trip. 

The Head of the Tourism Destination Division of the Denpasar City Tourism Office, I Gusti Agung Komang Widnyana, said that the project will help attract more tourists to the city and educate the public about the area’s history and culture. 

Aerial View of Bajra Sandhi Monument in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Widnyana explained, “We also equip the cart drivers with barcodes containing information about tourist attractions in Denpasar.”

He noted “at the end of March we will hold trainings for the cart drivers to equip them with knowledge about tourism and traffic rules.”


One of the most famous historical and cultural landmarks in Denpasar is the Bajra Sandhi Monument, also known as the Bali People’s Struggle Monument.

The stunning monument can be found at the heart of the city, in the center of Lapangan Puputan Renon Park.

Many tourists or longer-staying tourists will drive past the monument and Lapangan Puputan Renon Park either on the way to the airport or if going into Denpasar for an appointment at Denpasar Immigration, but it is so worth stopping by for a walk around.


Tourists can enter the heritage area from the south entrance, which is well-signposted.

Entry tickets for the Bajra Sandhi Monument for foreign tourists cost IDR 100,000 for adults and IDR 50,000 for children.

Be sure to walk all the way up to the Utamaning Utama Mandala room at the top of the monument to enjoy 360-degree views of the city and beyond. 

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Wednesday 20th of March 2024

Yet, another useless money making adventure! The Animal Kingdom is NOT man’s tool for exploitation. Hands off and leave the horses alone 🙈🥲


Thursday 21st of March 2024


Money making? It's free.


Wednesday 20th of March 2024

Oh goody, on top of vehicle pollution we now have horseshit pollution on top of that. Pray tell, who cleans up after the horses or do they wear diapers? Anything to fleeze the tourists with no regards for the environment. Also those poor horses in that heat! I guess they're not sacred like the dogs and monkeys. Shaking my head.


Thursday 21st of March 2024


There's a 'catch bag' strung between the sulky shafts to catch the crap. Horses and heat? Not a problem. They're widely used on farms in places like Nth Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia...and others with similar climate.


Tuesday 19th of March 2024

There have been horses and carts in Denpasar for decades, especially near Bajra Sandhi. Most charge around 200k for 10-15 minutes. The heat, pollution and dangerous traffic are impossible to avoid. Not sure how that will change to help the horses - or how any of the horse drivers will work for nothing.

Wayan Bo

Wednesday 20th of March 2024

@Josh, in 1980‘s it wasn’t.


Tuesday 19th of March 2024 would you like to be a horse in those conditions.We don't need that here for the tourists.Plenty other other options available without undue stress on an animal.I know they are prevalent in Lombok, but l feel this is a bad decision.

Wayan Bo

Monday 18th of March 2024

It’s very sad to see hard working little horses by tropical heat.

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