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Hundreds Of Ukrainians Stay In Bali Amid The Military Conflict

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An official from the Bali Law and Human Rights Ministry has confirmed that hundreds of Ukrainian nationals have decided to stay in Bali amid the conflict in their origin country.


The Head of the Bali Law and Human Rights Ministry, Jamaruli Manihuruk, confirmed that 464 Ukrainian citizens are currently staying in Bali.

“According to our data, 453 Ukrainian nationals have been staying with a Limited Residence Card (KITAS) while the other 11 Ukrainians have a Permanent Residence Card (KITAP),” Jamaruli said on Wednesday (2/3). He also explained that none of these Ukrainian citizens have requested to leave the island.

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On Tuesday afternoon (1/3), a video of hundreds of Russian and Ukrainian nationals who did a solidarity act in Denpasar went viral, as they condemned the military assault by the Russian army. The expats gathered and brought posters, stating “Stop War, Russia Wants Peace”, “Love Peace, Save Ukraine,” and “Pray For Ukraine.”

Jamaruli didn’t take legal action the event, though it may have violated an Indonesian regulation.

russia ukraine rally

The Spokesperson of the event, Chevganiuk Olga, stated that all the Russian and Ukrainian nationals in Bali urge the Russian government to stop the war to prevent any more casualties from both Ukraine and Russian citizens.

They have been collecting donations and transporting them to Ukraine to help both people and the animals in the conflict zone.

ukrainian women

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Friday 4th of March 2022

It is very sad what is going on in Ukraine. I hope the war will end soon. Ukrainians are requesting Bali government to stay longer. Despite all sorrow, did you know Ukrainians are one of the most racist people in Europe? Coloured people stand no chance with them. There are several Africans and Asians who are not allowed to flee from the war because Ukrainians need to flee first? This is really unbelievable but yet very much true. I hate f**ng Putin and his regime but I hate more racist people!


Sunday 6th of March 2022

@chladic, CNN International is hardly conspiracy theory reporting. Ask Fox news.


Saturday 5th of March 2022

@George, looks like you never been in Ukraine and never met any Ukrainians. Stop reading conspiracy web pages and educate yourself so you dont make yourself fool.


Saturday 5th of March 2022

@George, exactly!! And this gung ho "Putu Gosia" misinterpret my statement of this Ukrainian crisis.

Wayan Bo

Thursday 3rd of March 2022

It’s questionable if this military conflict will end soon. - Ukrainian government could end it immediately if accepting Russian claims. - Imagine there is a war and nobody go there = no war possible.


Sunday 6th of March 2022

@chladic, before you think Europe can ever do that don't forget that Australia is closer. And many of them people still think it is a country. Chuckles.

Wayan Bo

Saturday 5th of March 2022

@Paul, old wisdom say: When it’s comes to war, countries gives cannons, the rich gives bulls, the poor gives there sons. When war ends, countries get cannons, the rich get bulls and the poor get graves.


Saturday 5th of March 2022

@Wayan Bo, can some Europe military come to Indonesia and take Bali because we claim its ours ? Hope your gov will just give it to us because you dont want war right ?


Friday 4th of March 2022

@Wayan Bo, What a stupid thing to say how would you like it if a forioner invaded your contry would you defend your contry or just roll over


Thursday 3rd of March 2022

"The expats gathered and brought posters, stating “Stop War, Russia Wants Peace”, “Love Peace, Save Ukraine,” and “Pray For Ukraine.” "Jamaruli didn’t take legal action the event, though it may have violated an Indonesian regulation."

Apparently an advanced permit may be needed to hold a public gathering or a protest in Indonesia. A bureaucratic paper work to ensure the public safety and order like in any other democratic country. However the local authorities seemed content to look the other way this time.

This Russian invasion into a sovereign nation has displaced many national Ukrainians. Amid the confusion and chaos, the number of non-white foreign students leaving Ukraine have faced racism and discrimination at the border between Poland and Ukraine.


Tuesday 8th of March 2022

@Putu Gosia, perhaps you blend right in among the White Polish people.

Read this and it ain't Russian propaganda.

Opinion: "The gross hypocrisy of the West refugee response". It's on CNN news. In a nutshell: "We are painfully seeing refugees are selectively welcomed, and war criminals are selectively punished. It's not just the Western media that is biased;it's the Western world".


Tuesday 8th of March 2022

@Putu Gosia, tiend tiend une propagande Russe c'est nouveau tout ca!! Je n'y crois pas et plusieurs partagent mon avis. Je sais qui c'est Charles Michel.

Anyway if CNN International aired the dirty laundry that is facing a number of trapped foreigners segregated at the Ukrainian - Polish border do you think that's Russian propaganda too?

Putu Gosia

Monday 7th of March 2022

@Mat, I have never felt discriminated against in Poland, although I live for many years.

Putu Gosia

Monday 7th of March 2022

@Randy, Racism on the Polish-Ukrainian border is Russian propaganda, Charles Michel said in an interview with the France Inter radio of the European Council, commenting on the removal of African discrimination against African people fleeing Ukraine.


Saturday 5th of March 2022

@Putu Gosia, I would hardly called anything as fake news. Read below:

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Commissioner Filippo Grandi also condemned the alleged instances of discrimination on the Ukrainian border. “There has been a different treatment. ... There should be absolutely no discrimination between Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians, Europeans and non-Europeans. Everyone is fleeing from the same risks.” He added that UNHCR “plans to intervene to try to ensure that everybody receives equal treatment.”

"Retrieved from the article to Google it sent to you earlier."

Furthermore some Ukrainian men armed with guns are falling on the wrong side of the crisis within. Although prison inmates are released to fight off the Russians, sooner or later, gang criminals armed with fire arms are patrolling around the cities. There has been news of rape and looting. An Indian medical student in Kharkiv was killed as he left his bunker he'd been sheltering in to get food. It's not clear where exactly the medical student came under attack. Nobody has claimed responsibility just yet.

This crisis has affected people around the world and this is not the time to accuse anyone of spreading fake news.

Try to hill out. That will do some good.

Wayan Bo

Thursday 3rd of March 2022

Victims of such familiar conflict deserve asylum shelter.

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