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Bali Governor Plans To Close All Tourist Attractions Again

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The Bali Governor has said that he wants to close all tourist attractions again after a surge of COVID-19 cases on the island.

“We’ve been observing over the last few weeks that the local transmission is spiking and the mortality rate from Covid-19 is increasing. I’m considering closing all tourist attractions like I did previously,” said Koster during a Covid-19 Coordination Meeting at Jayasaba on Friday afternoon, Sept 11th 2020.

Governor Koster

In that 3 hours meeting, Koster also said that there are several clusters of community  transmission.

Earlier this week Bali recorded the highest number of regencies in the red zone of any province in Indonesia. 

Domestic tourism bali

Koster added that many group events are contributing to the transmission of COVID-19 such as Cock Fighting or what locals call “Metajen”, religious ceremonies and tourists from other areas into Bali.

Many people in Bali can’t imagine the thought of another lockdown and stopping all tourism completely again. 

“I am getting a few customers per day to eat from domestic tourists but if that goes away, I just can’t even imagine what to do,” a local restaurant owner, Ketut Siandana, told The Bali Sun.

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