Throughout 2020, 405 people died due to motor vehicle accidents in Bali. This figure is being compared to the fatality rate of COVID-19 in 2020, which was a total of 523. According to the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the numbers aren’t significantly different.

Although the death rate due to on-road accidents in 2020 is quite high, this figure has decreased by 25 percent compared to 2019.
In 2019, the death toll was 540 or a difference of 135 fatalities.
According to the Director of Bali Traffic Police Officer, Kombes Pol Indra, despite the decrease of the total deaths last year, most of the victims were students of a very young age.

“We have tried many things in order to reduce accidents, such as educating people and strictly enforcing traffic rules, but it doesn’t seem to be working effectively,” Indra said on Thursday (4/2).
He also said that many people neglect safety as he often found people ride their motorbike without wearing safety gear, such as a helmet, and driving recklessly on public roads.
“Some people were even drunk while driving their vehicle, putting themselves and other people in danger” Indra added.

He hopes that more people follow traffic law to reduce the risk of getting into accidents that could potentially cost a life.
“According to the data from COVID-19 Handling Task Force from March to December 2020, the fatality rate of traffic accidents was pretty close with the COVID-19 related deaths last year” Indra concluded.
Officials urge people to always wear face masks whenever they ride vehicles in public areas in order to reduce virus transmission in Bali.

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Wayan Bo
Friday 5th of February 2021
In some European states they will say, each day are passing so many people away, as at least it would happen by simultaneous air plain crash of two or more fully occupied Airbuses A380 each day.
Wayan Bo
Friday 5th of February 2021
It's remember a bit on Walt Disney movie "Soul". - In s
Ronald Carter
Friday 5th of February 2021
Throughout 2020, 405 people died due to motor vehicle accidents in Bali. Why bother to compare these tragic statics. The number of deaths due to Coronavirus in January 2021 is 156 extrapolated to 12 months This figure will be 1,872 deaths to Covid. Covid is sadly the biggest killer in Bali. Hopefully a vaccine program with start soon.